A Poodle’s reputation spreads far and wide due to the breed’s magnificent hairstyles and royal demeanor. We’ve created a Toy Poodle weight chart to help you track your dog’s progress.
These are one of the most recognizable dog breeds around and also one of the most unique canines.
This means that anybody considering getting a Poodle already has a good idea of what they’re getting themselves into. Nevertheless, you might still be curious about the maximum size for a Poodle.
Perhaps you’re curious as to what age your toy poodle will finally cease growing.
If you keep him or her inside, how large will the toy poodle get? Have you had the toy poodle pup checked for a healthy weight? In comparison to other toy poodles of the same age, how large is your dog?
New research on toy poodle development will be used to inform this article’s discussion of such development.
You may use the Toy Poodle growth chart on this page to estimate the mature size of your toy poodle based on its present weight and height.
When Do Toy Poodles Stop Growing?
After a rapid initial 12 weeks, toy poodles’ development levels out between the ages of 3 and 6 months.
Between 6 and 9 months of age is when they’ll start growing a bit slower.
When they are 9 months old, toy poodles have almost reached their full adult size. At the age of one year, Toy Poodles reach their full size.
As with other little breeds of dog, Toy Poodles tend to reach their adult height and weight a bit sooner than average.
Half of their final height is reached during the first and second months, and the whole amount is reached by the sixth-month mark.
At three months, a Toy will have gained almost half of its final weight, and by six months, they will have gained at least the remaining 80%.
Approximately between 6 and 9 months of age, the canine’s growth slows down and, by the time it’s a year old, it has stopped altogether.
Toy Poodle Growth Chart
The toy poodle development chart may be seen down below. This chart provides information on the weight of toy poodles as well as their height.
The toy poodle weight chart illustrates the rate at which a toy poodle grows as well as the amount of more growth that a toy poodle puppy may still achieve given its present age, size, and height.
This chart provides information on the rate at which a toy poodle matures. During the initial 16 to 24 weeks of its life, a toy poodle has very rapid growth.
According to the development chart for toy poodles, a toy poodle achieves 80% of the total adult weight by 24 weeks, as well as 98 percent of its adult height at the same age.
The present weight and height of your toy poodle may be used in conjunction with this Toy Poodle growth chart to make educated guesses about the toy poodle’s adult weight and height.
Toy Poodle Weight Chart
Age | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year |
Weight | 2 - 4 lbs | 4 - 5 lbs | 4 - 6 lbs |
Height | 8 inches | 9 inches | 10 inches |
Toy Poodle Puppy Development Stages
Birth – 2 Weeks
Some newborn toy poodles weigh only a few ounces and measure little more than just a few inches in length, at which point they are at their most fragile.
In fact, newborn toy poodles are so little that they can fit into your hand. However, at that moment, they develop rapidly.
When compared to their miniature and standard poodle counterparts, toy breeds mature and reach their full size at a younger age.
When they are 12 weeks old, toy poodles often weigh at least half as much as an adult dog.
3 Weeks – 12 Weeks
At the age of four weeks, your toy poodle ideally weighs between one and three pounds. Typically, a toy poodle puppy’s height at the withers (shoulders) is four or five inches at this point in its development.
Toy poodles are typically ready to join their new families at about 8-10 weeks of age, at which point they weigh between 1.5 and 4 pounds and stand between 8 and 10 inches in height.
4 Months – 9 Months
By the time a toy poodle is six months old, it has probably reached almost its adult size. Six-month-old toy poodle puppies should weigh between 4 and 5 pounds.
The rate of a toy poodle’s development slows down about this period, and even at full maturity, they’ll only weigh seven to ten pounds.
By 6 months of age, toy poodles almost reach their maximum height of approximately nine inches. The moment has come when they begin to reach their maximum weight and height potential.
10 Months – 18 Months
When compared to standard poodles, toy poodles develop much more rapidly, reaching full size between the ages of nine months and a year.
At 9 months to a year of age, they may weigh 4 to 5 and a half lbs and grow to a maximum of ten inches in height at the withers.
When a Toy Poodle reaches the age of two or three, it is called an adult. To keep their hypoallergenic coat looking its best, frequent maintenance is required.
With regards to nutrition, mature toy poodles need a diet of premium dog food made for toy dogs particularly.
They need to keep an eye on what they eat and make adjustments to their portion sizes as required to keep their weight in check.
Keeping their vitality up calls for constant activity like daily walks and games.
Toy poodles, once they reach adulthood, have a reputation for being very trainable and loving companions.
Furthermore, they have a reputation for being easily offended and may benefit from mild teaching techniques.
How Big Do Toy Poodles Get?
Examining the parents of a toy poodle pup might also provide you some insight into the likely adult size of your new addition.
One parent dog often dwarfs the other. Puppies from such a litter would be considered “medium-sized.”
So, if you breed two seven-pound dogs and one ten-pound dog, the resulting litter will produce puppies that weigh about 4 or 6 pounds as adults.
Puppies often end up between the sizes of their parents, however sometimes one may remain as little as its smaller parent or one will grow as huge as its larger parent.
Many people also examine the paws which lets them know that the puppy has more growing to do if the paws are a bit larger in proportion to the rest of his body.
The weight chart in this article is another good option or you can opt for a DNA test that uncovers the genealogy of your puppy so that you can account for any breeds that are hidden and affecting your puppy’s ultimate size.
Male vs Female Toy Poodle Size Chart
Whether a Toy Poodle is male or female might affect its size. Toy Poodles are typically little dogs, with males weighing 4 to 6 pounds and standing 10 inches at the shoulder, and females weighing 4 to 5 pounds and standing 10 inches at the shoulder.
It’s worth noting, however, that even among members of the same sex, body size varies for a variety of reasons, including genetics and general health.
You may find poodles of all shapes and sizes. In the United States States, you can get them in three distinct dimensions: toy, miniature, and standard.
Poodles are separated into several distinct breeds based on their various sizes. The toy poodle is the smallest poodle that may come through ethical breeding.
Making sure your Poodle is healthy also requires measuring their height. Put down some ground or a tile floor for your Poodle to stand on.
Discover your puppy’s withers, the highest point of its shoulders. Take a tape measure and measure your Poodle from the floor to its withers to get its height.
Will Neutering/Spaying My Toy Poodle Affect His Growth?
Spaying your Poodle prevents breast cancer, pyometra, and extends life. General anesthesia and significant surgery might harm your Poodle during spaying.
Early spaying or neutering of a toy poodle may impair development. Spaying/neutering may reduce hormones needed for bone development in your toy poodle.
Most veterinarians suggest spaying/neutering a toy poodle. It should not be done before 12 months of age.
But it must be done properly. A non-ethical breeder may want early spaying and neutering or, worse, does it before the dog leaves her home. Neutering or spaying your toy poodle puppy should not influence its size.
Premature sterilization may not cause your puppy to remain smaller, but it might alter its bones and platelets so they don’t have the proper hormones to develop at the same pace.
Hip dysplasia may be more likely in early spayed or neutered dogs.
Miniature Vs Toy Poodle Size
There are some distinctions in size between miniature Poodles and toy Poodles, both of which belong to the Poodle family. When compared to Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles are on the bigger side.
Miniature Poodles, as defined by the American Kennel Club (AKC), should be no more than 15 inches tall at the shoulder, while Toy Poodles should be under 10 inches.
Miniature Poodles average 15–17 pounds, and Toy Poodles are smaller yet at 4–6 pounds. The size of the dog is the primary distinction between Miniature Poodles and Toy Poodles.
If you have kids or just want a bigger dog, a miniature poodle is a better choice than a toy poodle, which is a smaller but still loving companion.
Factors That Affect Toy Poodle Growth
Genetics & Gender
The size of a toy poodle depends on a variety of variables. Toy poodle size might vary depending on the gender of the dog. When compared to females, male toy poodles may be just a bit larger.
The ancestry of a toy poodle impacts its size far more than its gender. There are little poodles that descend from big dogs.
There is little doubt that these toy poodles will develop into large adults. Toy poodles who come from smaller parents will be tiny.
Because of this, it is not uncommon to come across a male toy poodle that is much smaller than a female toy poodle, even when the two are the same age.
Your toy poodle puppy needs high-quality food designed for pups or suitable for all life stages. Your toy poodle puppy does not need or want adult dog food.
Protein levels in puppy food are greater than those in regular dog food so that it can sustain the expanding bodies of pups.
All high-quality puppy food will have a protein content of at least 25%. The first component in these dog meals is a true protein source like chicken, fish, or beef.
Keep your miniature poodle away from human food leftovers since doing so might reduce the quantity of protein and minerals he consumes.
Your puppy will not get the right amount of high-quality, high-protein puppy food he needs to grow and develop properly if he consumes too much human food.
Physical Activity & Health
Poodles can maintain a healthy weight with regular exercise.
Poodles may benefit from exercise in a number of ways; it keeps their muscles in shape, builds their bones up, and even helps them avoid conditions like diabetes and arthritis.
Poodles’ physical and mental wellbeing may both benefit from regular exercise.
Irritability, destructive behavior, aggressiveness, excessive barking, and attention-seeking may all be reduced or eliminated with regular exercise.
By encouraging regular physical activity, you can strengthen relationships, instill social skills, boost mood, and even help your kids sleep better.
How Much To Feed A Growing Toy Poodle Puppy?
Activity level, age, and health determine how much toy poodle puppies need to eat. As a rule, toy poodle pups should eat 3-4 little meals every day.
Toy poodle puppies aged 8-12 weeks need 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food every meal. They eat more as they mature. Toy poodle puppies need 1/2 to 3/4 cup every meal between 3-6 months.
Toy poodle puppies need 3/4 to 1 cup every meal between 6-12 months. These are just tips; your dog may require more or less food. To find out how much and what kind of food your puppy requires, go to your vet.
To keep your puppy healthy, watch their weight and alter their meals. Obesity in Toy Poodles may cause several health issues. To stay healthy, dogs need adequate activity and nourishment.
What To Do If My Toy Poodle Is Not The Right Weight?
Talk to your veterinarian about your overweight toy poodle. Your vet may recommend a high-protein, low-grain dog food if your dog is overweight.
After choosing high-quality dog food, restrict or eliminate table leftovers. This would also assist your toy poodle with shedding weight to a healthy weight.
Again, consult your vet before making any nutrition modifications for your underweight tiny poodle. Your vet may recommend feeding your poodle high-quality dog food and limiting table scraps.
Eating too many table scraps might make some dogs overweight and underweight. Your puppy’s diet may not be nutritional enough.
How To Properly Weight My Toy Poodle?
To make sure your Poodle puppy is at a healthy weight, regular weigh-ins are a must. Poodles should be weighed at least once a year, but more frequent measurements might reveal health problems sooner.
Find out how much of a Poodle you have by using the scale in your bathroom. Put your bare feet on a scale and record your weight.
Then, with your Poodle in tow, get on a scale and make a note of your weight. If you want to know how much your Poodle weighs, you can perform the math by deducting your body mass from the combined weight of you and your dog.
Toy Poodle Genetics And Common Health Problems
Poodles, like people and other pets, face both breed-specific and more general health issues. When caring for a poodle, keep in mind the following potential health problems:
- Addison’s disease: Insufficient adrenal hormone production is the symptom. Fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite are early symptoms of this illness.
- Standard Poodles with Atrial Septal Defects: Having a hole in one of the upper chambers of the heart is a very unusual ailment.
- Constricted airways, coughing, dizziness, collapse, and inability to exercise are all symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. As tragic as it is, heart failure may be the cause of unexpected death in certain cases.
- Conditions such as bloating, chronic active hepatitis, Cushing syndrome, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and hypothyroidism also often arise.
Final Words
A Toy Poodle could be the perfect dog for you and your family provided you have the space and time to devote to its care.
Due to its small size (seven to ten pounds at maturity), it makes a great pet for city dwellers and those who travel often in small vehicles. If you own a large home, this is an ideal solution.
Find a trustworthy rescue organization to deal with or a responsible breeder to buy your toy poodle from.
Keeping a toy poodle on a nutritious diet can increase its chances of enjoying a long, happy life with you.
You should also look for a toy poodle that fits the breed standard in terms of size. Get a toy poodle, but not one that’s been engineered to be overly little.
You may discover a healthy, long-lived puppy by inquiring about and genetic tests with the breeder or rescue group.