Rottweiler Size Chart – Growth & Weight Chart

Rottweiler Size Chart

An adorable Rottweiler puppy is a wonderful addition to any family, and we want to do our best to provide the finest possible care for the new addition.

Besides the obvious benefits of knowing your dog’s future well-being, you can use a Rottweiler size chart to know how large your puppy will eventually get.

Rottweilers were originally developed as working dogs and accompanied the Roman armies on their conquests.

Originally bred to herd sheep, these canines found new careers as police dogs, search and rescue dogs, and guide dogs for the visually impaired.

Because they are descended from the enormous Asian Mastiff, it is not surprising that these devoted canines are also fairly big.

As a caring “Rottie” owner, you may wonder, “How big can a Rottweiler get?” or “How do I know when my Rottweiler has stopped growing?”

In this article, we will discuss the growth of the Rottweiler, its phases of development, and how you may predict your dog’s final size and weight.

When Do Rottweilers Stop Growing?

It takes time for Rottweilers, just as it does for many other breeds of big dogs, to reach their full adult size.

When a Rottweiler is around one year old, they will have reached their full height, and when they are about two years old, they will have reached their full weight.

Rottweiler Weight Chart

It might take bigger Rottweilers up to three years to attain their mature weight when they reach their full potential.

If a Rottweiler is at least a year old, it has most certainly reached or is very close to reaching its full adult height and weight.

Rottweiler Size Chart

A Rottweiler growth chart may provide you an idea of what to expect in terms of your new pet’s development.

There is no direct correlation between birth weight and adult size, but when your Rot is 2 months old, you ought to have a very good idea of how big he will become.

You may see how your dog’s weight compares to the average increase or loss for its age by consulting our Rottweiler weight chart.

For the most part, males will be noticeably taller than women. You should then be able to make an educated guess as to your dog’s final adult size from this point.

A puppy’s actual size may vary somewhat from the measurements on the size chart, so it’s important to keep a check on him even though the chart is helpful.

Your Rottweiller’s ideal body weight may be determined by looking up its age in the left column and reading across the row.

Rottweiler Weight Chart

Age Average Male WeightAverage Female Weight
3 Months38 lbs 33 lbs
4 Months 50 lbs 37 lbs
5 Months65 lbs 50 lbs
6 Months75 lbs 63 lbs
7 Months80 lbs 77 lbs
8 Months86 lbs 80 lbs
9 Months98 lbs 83 lbs
10 Months106 lbs 85 lbs
11 Months109 lbs 87 lbs
12 Months110 lbs 89 lbs
2 Years120 lbs 90 lbs

Rottweiler Puppy Development Stages

Rottweiler Puppy Size Chart

Birth – 2 Weeks

There will be a lot of feeding and sleeping in the first two weeks of a Rottweiler’s life, just as there is with human infants.

As they are unable to keep themselves warm, they must depend on their mother. Rottweilers may range in size from 12 ounces to 3.7 pounds.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

The puppy’s eyes will open and its hearing will improve throughout this time.

At three weeks of age, they get their first set of milk teeth and a bit later on can begin eating solids. They begin to play with the pups and wag their tails enthusiastically.

At these ages, it’s important to get the puppy used to being around people so he doesn’t develop any awkward social habits later on. Their current weight is anything from 3.7 to 3.8 pounds.

4 Months – 9 Months

The puppy is now in its adolescent period, at which time it becomes more aware of its own capabilities and limitations.

As a result, if you teach them properly, they won’t develop bad behaviors and will behave themselves.

The time spent exercising might range from 10 to 20 minutes daily. Your dog will need about 7 days to learn and remember the commands.  Rottweilers at this age may weigh anything from 43 to 70 pounds.

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Rottweiler Puppy Growth Chart

In comparison to the first few months, your Rottweiler puppy’s growth pace will now gradually slow down.

Large dog breeds, such as Rottweilers, have their greatest growth in the months leading up to puppyhood.

As he approaches his adolescent years, this trend will persist. Your Rottweiler will begin to go through a coat change and reach sexual maturity at the conclusion of this period.

10 Months – 18 Months

The Rottweiler’s special build means that they continue to put on weight even after 18 months. The time just before the growth plates stiffen.

Some Rottweilers keep growing up until they are three years old. This is because their chests and muscles are noticeably larger.


More time and energy should be spent teaching and socializing your puppy now.

Rottweilers typically reach adulthood between the ages of two and three. Rottweilers typically reach maturity at a weight of 80 – 135 pounds.

How Big Do Rottweilers Get?

It’s natural to wonder how large a Rottweiler pup will develop, both for your own peace of mind and so that you can provide an appropriate home and yard for him.

A Rottweiler size chart is only one of the options available to you. While growth charts may provide a somewhat accurate estimate, there are alternative methods available.

If you want to know how much your Rottweiler puppy will eventually weigh, genetic testing is a great option.

Rottweiler Growth Chart

How big your Rottweiler puppy will grow to be is another trait that may be determined by a DNA test. This is something that requires the assistance of your veterinarian.

You also have the option to talk to the breeder and inquire about the potential size of your Rottweiler. If your puppy grows to be the average of his parents, he will be around that size.

You may also estimate his eventual weight by looking at his paws, which may be bigger than the rest of his body and indicating that he still has more growing to accomplish.

Male vs Female Rottweiler Growth Chart

It’s also important to remember that there’s no “ideal” weight for either sex, yet men and women of the same age might look quite different on the scale.

Female pups are often smaller and lighter in weight than their male counterparts. Follow these guidelines to determine a healthy rate of growth for your puppy’s weight.

Rottweilers may range in size from small to large, but on average, males weigh between 95 and 135 pounds and stand between 22 and 25 inches tall at the shoulder.

Females, on the other hand, normally weigh between 80 and 100 pounds and stand between 22 and 25 inches tall.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that size may also be affected by other variables, including as one’s nutrition, level of physical activity, and general state of health.

It may take some time and effort, but you can get an accurate measurement of your Rottweiler.

A dog’s height is determined by measuring from the floor to the top of his withers. Get your dog to stand tall so you can gauge his height from the floor to his withers.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Rottweiler Affect His Growth?

There are several potential complications that might arise from spaying or neutering your Rottweiler while he or she is still a young dog.

You should hold out till the Rottweiler is at minimum two years old, when they have stopped growing on average, for a few reasons.

The sex hormones in your Rottweiler’s bloodstream are connected to physical and mental development, which is why this is happening.

Because of this, spaying or neutering your Rottweiler might have lasting effects on his or her physical and mental growth.

Some Rottweilers seem to have permanently delayed bone formation. Do not interfere with the process, and let things progress at their own pace.

In and of itself, this isn’t a concern, but as your Rottweiler ages, it might cause growth plate issues that cause mobility issues.

However, there are benefits to spaying and neutering pets at the right age, including population control, illness avoidance, and cost savings.

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Alternately, your Rottweiler may get anxious after undergoing spaying or neutering, and there is always the chance of complications from the operation.

Doberman Vs Rottweiler Size

Both the Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler are huge dog breeds, albeit the two may vary in terms of exact size.

Dobermans are medium-large dogs, with mature males weighing 65 to 90 pounds and standing 26 to 28 inches at the shoulder and adult females weighing 60 to 75 pounds and standing 24 to 26 inches at the shoulder.

Rottweiler males normally weigh 95 – 135 pounds and measure 24 – 27 inches at the shoulder, while females are smaller at 80 – 100 pounds and 22–25 inches in height.

It’s worth noting that things like nutrition, exercise, and general health may have an effect on one’s size as well.

Factors That Affect Rottweiler Growth 

Rottweiler Puppy Health

Genetics & Gender

A Rottweiler’s size is mostly determined by hereditary factors. Thus, there’s really not much that can be done to alter the eventual size they will attain.

Whether you want to know if your pups are at risk for contracting an illness, you need to know who their parents and grandparents are.

Expected body-shape alterations may be anticipated by looking at the sizes of the grandparents and parents.


Providing healthy, well-rounded puppy food is crucial to the long-term health of your Rottweiler.

It’s recommended that you follow your vet’s advice and give your puppy high-protein dog food. Dog food should be fed strictly in accordance with the recommendations on the package.

In the event of an allergy, however, it is imperative that you see a vet right once. Avoiding an underweight or overweight puppy requires careful attention to the quantity of food you provide it.

Physical Activity And Health

It’s crucial that you include workouts for your dog in his daily routine. Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight and physique.

Cardiovascular health isn’t the only thing exercise helps with; it also lowers the risk of developing conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension.

Your puppy’s social life will flourish if you give him plenty of opportunities to interact with other dogs and people via physical activity. They may find that their sleep and general disposition are enhanced.

How Much To Feed A Growing Rottweiler Puppy?

Rottweiler puppies have varying nutritional requirements depending on their age, size, and degree of activity.

A puppy has unique nutritional requirements, therefore it’s best to discuss this with your doctor.

Instead of two big meals, a Rottweiler puppy should eat three or four smaller meals a day. This will keep their weight from becoming too big as they mature.

Feed them around 4% of their body weight each day when they’re 8-12 weeks old, and then raise that to 3% when they’re 6-12 months old.

Rottweiler Development

If you want your puppy to develop at a healthy pace, you should keep an eye on their weight and modify their food intake appropriately.

Hip dysplasia is one ailment that might affect a puppy if he or she grows too rapidly.

High-quality puppy food designed for big breeds and tailored to their unique nutritional requirements is also essential.

A diet rich in protein, fat, and the necessary vitamins and minerals will aid in their development.

How To Tell If Your Rottweiler Is Underweight Or Overweight?

When referring to pets,  is equivalent to the human body mass index (BMI).

Weight and fat percentages of dogs may be determined by the Body Condition Score (BCS). However, things might become trickier due to the wide range of dog breeds available.

An animal’s body condition score (BCS) may be used as a starting point when making dietary and activity recommendations for your Rottweiler since it helps to normalize the animal’s weight.

If you look at your dog’s profile from the side and above, you may determine its body condition score (BCS).

This score takes into account the dog’s height, weight, muscle mass, and total fat coverage, as well as the dog’s spine, ribcage, waist, hip bones, and abdominal muscles.

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When your dog is at a healthy weight, you will be able to see his or her waistline clearly from above. From the side, their stomach should be tucked in close to their ribs.

As an additional precaution, some dogs have thick and lengthy hair that makes it difficult to observe them objectively. A healthy dog will have a little coating of fat that you may feel around its rib cage.

Do Rottweilers Experience Growing Pain?

Like puppies of other big breeds, Rottweiler pups may feel some discomfort as they develop. When bones and joints develop quickly, it may be painful and uncomfortable.

Rottweiler pups may show signs of developing pains such as unwillingness to play, or stiffness in their joints.

Puppy’s symptoms often worsen in the morning or after a period of rest and ease after the puppy starts playing again.

If you think your Rottweiler puppy is having growing pains, you should schedule an appointment with your vet to rule out any underlying medical concerns.

Your veterinarian may suggest bone and joint health supplements in addition to a growth-stage-appropriate diet and exercise plan for your puppy.

How To Help Your Rottweiler Lose Weight If He Is Overweight?

Older, less energetic Rottweilers who continue to eat the same way as they would back when they were younger tend to put on weight.

For the sake of your dog’s health, you should make significant nutritional modifications if it is overweight.

Excessive body fat increases the risk of disease and increases the expense of treating your Rottweiler’s health concerns.

Changing your Rottweiler’s food to include less calories is a great starting step in assisting his weight loss. Protein should have been the primary focus of his diet from the start.

The available dog meals tend to be high in carbohydrates. Raw food diets are strong in protein, or you may feed your dog high-protein kibble.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, which is beneficial to his digestive system; there is even dog chow on the market that contains actual, whole fruits and vegetables.

If your Rottweiler is really overweight, you should also make time to exercise with him, but be careful not to harm his joints. Be patient and work up to more intense activity gradually.

How To Properly Weight My Rottweiler?

If your Rottweiler puppy is still relatively little, you should be able to determine his weight by putting him on the scale that is located in your bathroom.

Because he may not want to remain motionless, this can require some effort on your part.

In the case of bigger dogs, you will first need to determine your own weight, and then you will need to go on a scale while holding your Rottweiler and make a note of the total weight of the two of you.

After that, you take your own weight away from the total weight of the dogs in order to arrive at the weight of your Rottweiler.

Rottweiler Genetics And Common Health Problems

Rottweilers have a plethora of medical problems. Orthopedic and non-orthopedic conditions are distinguished among them. Rottweilers are mainly susceptible to the following illnesses:

  • Hip dysplasia is a hereditary condition that mostly affects giant and extra-large dog breeds. Hip dislocation is a painful and debilitating condition caused by a lack of adherence between the hip socket and the underlying hip bone.
  • Osseochondritis dissecans (OCD): It damages the cartilage in a developing dog’s bones, causing pain and inflammation comparable to those of arthritis. Elbows and shoulders are among the many often afflicted joints.
  • They may also get infected with the von Willebrand factor. This disorder is genetic and has features with hemophilia in humans. Because of this, simple injuries, such as a broken toenail, may cause excessive bleeding because the blood is unable to clot normally.

Final Words

Your puppy’s weight may be checked periodically by visiting the vet, or you can purchase a home weighing scale.

Talk to your vet before reducing your puppy’s food intake if he or she is somewhat larger than the average Rottweiler. For one thing, it might be in their genes to behave this way.

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