Pug Size Chart – Growth & Weight Chart

Pug Size Chart

It’s natural to be concerned about your pug’s weight as a pug owner so a Pug size chart will come in handy.

Pugs are heavy feeders and lethargic dogs, making them prone to obesity. However, due to their unusual form, it is natural to believe that a pug is overweight even though they are not.

Pugs are recognized for their clownish, playful personality, which makes them excellent companion dogs for both adults and children.

Because of their tiny size, they are ideal for apartment life.

Despite their silly attitude, Pugs were initially developed as Chinese emperors’ pets and were named the symbol of Holland’s royal House of Orange because one Pug defended the prince against invading troops!

These affectionate dogs like sitting on your lap and receiving your attention.

If you are the fortunate owner of this lovable dog breed, you could be wondering how big your Pug will grow and when they will stop growing.

When Do Pugs Stop Growing?

Just like many other toy and small-sized dog breeds, Pugs mature quickly. “When will my pug puppy stop growing?” is a question often addressed by pug parents.

Pugs are a tiny breed of dog, therefore the change from newborn to adult may not be as noticeable as it would be in a larger breed.

Puppies of the pug breed usually reach their full size by the age of 9 months old.

Pug Weight Chart

Even while most pugs reach their mature size and weight by the time they are a year old, it is common for a pug to keep putting on weight beyond the age of 12 months.

Pug Size Chart

We hope that following our Pug weight chart will help you plan for your new addition as he matures and gives you a sense of how much your new pet should weigh.

Keep in mind that these are only averages, and that, like people, pugs may be found in many sizes that aren’t represented on the list.

Even within the same breed, there is room for variation in size due to factors including genetics, activity level, and food.

A consultation with your vet is in order if your dog’s weight falls beyond the range shown on the Pug size chart.

The age of the puppy is listed in one column, and the typical weight of a dog of that age is shown in the adjacent column.

Typically, you may approximate your dog’s desired adult weight by dividing his current weight in pounds by his current age in weeks.

This figure should then be multiplied by 52 since there are exactly 52 weeks in a year.

Although this is still only a guess, it should give you some idea of how large your puppy may potentially develop.

Pug Weight Chart

AgeWeight lbs
2 Months3.5 lbs
3 Months6 lbs
4 Months7 lbs
5 Months8.5 lbs
6 Months10 lbs
7 Months11 lbs
8 Months12.5 lbs
9 Months16 lbs
10 Adult17 lbs
11Months18 lbs
Adult20 lbs

Pug Puppy Development Stages

Pug Size

Birth – 2 Weeks

Although newborn pugs won’t weigh much due to their tiny size, they should quickly gain weight and reach their birth weight within the first week. A 5% weight growth every day is ideal.

Initially, they grow rapidly. At this point in their development, puppies are unable to see, hear, or chew on anything.

Since they are still developing rapidly, they will spend all of their time nursing from their mother and sleeping.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

Puppies of the pug breed often start to wake up and grow more social during the third week of life. There will be more playing and discovering.

Since they will have begun to learn to regulate their bladder, they will soon be able to get up from bed whenever they need to urinate or defecate.

Housebreaking may begin as early as 8 weeks, and by 9 weeks, they are ready to start learning basic instructions. At 12 weeks old, your pug’s ideal weight is roughly 6 pounds.

See also  Staffordshire Bull Terrier Size Chart - Growth & Weight Chart

4 Months – 9 Months

A pug may reach its full adult weight of 7 pounds by the time it is 4 months old.

As a sign that a puppy has begun teething, you may notice that he is chewing on everything that he’s able to get his mouth on. This is because your puppy is shedding teeth.

To avoid your puppy from developing destructive habits, you should always provide safe, chewable toys within easy reach.

Pug Puppy Size Chart

Between the ages of 4 and 6, you should keep up with your training. A well-trained puppy will respond to your voice and other basic instructions.

The puppy will learn most of its behaviors from you. When they are 6 months old, pugs typically weigh approximately 10 pounds.

All dogs, including yours if it’s a puppy, will develop at their own pace, so don’t panic if yours is already larger.

10 Months – 18 Months

Your pug should be nearing his full adult size by the time he reaches the month milestone.

By 10 months, a Pug should weigh about 17 pounds, giving or taking a few ounces since some dogs are larger or smaller than average.

You may expect your dog to be done teething now. If you want your puppy to grow up happy and healthy, you’ll need to make sure he gets enough of playtime and exercise.


The eventual weight of your adult pug will be heavily influenced by his or her gender, the level of activity he is exposed to, and the quality of food he is fed.

The average adult pug weighs between 16 and 20 pounds.

How Big Do Pugs Get?

Pugs achieve their full adult size during the ninth month, however they may continue to gain weight until the first year.

The first step in determining your Pug’s expected size is to examine the breed standard and the parents.

Pug Growth

If you know the size of a Pug’s parents, you’ll have a good idea of how big your Pug will become as an adult. The article’s weight chart might also be useful.

Next, examine your Pug’s paws. In contrast to the rest of their body or limbs, an abnormally large head and paws indicates that the dog is still developing.

You can now take your dog to a lab and get a DNA test to learn its family tree. This will give you an idea of how big your Pug’s ancestors became as they grew up.

Pug Growth Chart

Adult male pugs usually reach a height of 10 to 12 inches at the withers and a weight of 16 to 20 pounds.

Female pugs are often smaller than their male counterparts, with an approximate height of 10 inches and bodyweight of 14 to 16 lbs.

It’s worth noting that there’s a wide range of sizes within each gender, depending on things like genetics, lifestyle choices, and food intake.

One further thing to keep in mind is that pugs, like many other little dog breeds, tend to be on the smaller side.

When your Pug is standing tall, measure from the maximum height between its shoulders (withers).

Measure from the floor up to the withers. Measurements like this represent your Pug’s actual stature. Pugs often range in size from 10–14 inches in height.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Pug Affect His Growth?

The surgical process known as spaying is performed on female dogs, during which their eggs and womb are removed.

Neutering, on the other hand, is performed on male dogs, during which their testicles are removed.

Your Pug should be spayed or neutered around he age of 4 – 7 months, depending on which option you choose.

Pug Growth Chart

There are a number of advantages to spaying your Pug, including the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, a lower chance of developing cancers of the uterus, ovaries, and breasts, and improved overall health.

See also  Bull Terrier Size Chart - Growth & Weight Chart

On the other side, sterilization eliminates the possibility of offspring being produced and lowers the danger of prostate illness and testicular cancer.

Additionally, it lessens the occurrence of aggressive behaviors and problems associated with marking territory.

French Bulldog vs Pug Size

Male French bulldogs normally weigh around 16 – 28 pounds and reach 11 to 12 inches in height at the shoulder, making them bigger than pugs.

Female Frenchies often weigh 16 to 24 lbs and stand between ten and eleven inches tall.

Pugs are indeed a smaller breed, with males standing 10 to 12 inches height at the withers and weighing 16 to 20 pounds.

Female pugs are somewhat smaller, standing 10 inches tall and weighing 14 – 16 pounds on average.

It is crucial to note, however, that size varies greatly inside every breed and may be impacted by a range of variables including food, activity, and heredity.

Factors That Affect Pug Growth

Pug Development

Genetics & Gender

Depending on your pug’s family history, he or she may be predisposed to be either shorter or heavier than average. Pugs, like people, may benefit from regular exercise yet still gain weight.

Your dog will naturally be on the tinier side if he was the runt of litter.

There are also certain health issues that are inherited that might impair your puppy’s development. Not all pugs will be affected by these diseases.

There is a noticeable size difference between male and female pugs, with the latter often being the smaller of the two sexes.


The food you provide your dog has a major impact on how much it weighs. Dogs have dietary preferences, and not all dog diets are created equal.

It’s possible that some of them are filled with unhealthy fillers or artificial ingredients.

In addition, your dog should be fed more often, but with careful attention to both the quality and amount of food it receives.

All dog food should start with meat as the primary component. How well and how healthy your pug grows depends on the food he eats.

Physical Activity & Health

In the end, your pug’s health and level of exercise will determine his ideal weight.

Pugs may not be the most active of dogs, but they still need enough playtime and exercise to be in excellent shape.

The more active they are, the less probable it is that they will gain weight.

This is crucial for the pups’ development and health. Your puppy’s health also depends on his getting regular shots and feedings.

How Much To Feed A Growing Pug Puppy?

To maintain normal growth and development, pug puppies require the optimum quantity of food. Age, size, and activity level determine a pug puppy’s diet.

Pug pups should eat high-quality small-breed puppy chow. Small breeds require greater protein and calorie diets to sustain their quick development.

Follow the puppy kibble bag’s feeding directions to determine how much to feed. This estimate is based on the puppy’s weight.

Remember that these are suggestions, and you may need to change your puppy’s diet according to their requirements.

Pug Weight

Check your puppy’s bodily health and change their diet as required. Growing pug puppies should have a waist and ribs that can be touched but not seen.

Feeding your skinny dog more may help. However, overweight puppies may require less food.

Divide the appropriate daily food into smaller portions and give your puppy several times a day. This prevents bloating and obesity in petite breeds like pugs.

How To Tell If Your Pug Is Underweight Or Overweight?

To keep your pug healthy, weigh them regularly (every month). Underweight or overweight pugs may have health issues.

Body condition is a simple method to tell whether your pug is overweight or underweight.

Touch your pug’s ribcage and backbone. Healthy pugs have a waist and ribs that can be touched but not seen.

See also  American Bulldog Weight Chart - Size & Growth Chart

Underweight pugs have visible ribs and spines. If you can’t feel your pug’s ribs, they’re overweight.

Use a bodily condition score sheet to assess your pug. These charts show a healthy pug and might help you determine whether yours is overweight or underweight.

You may also ask your vet if your pug is a healthy weight. They may assess your condition and advise on weight management.

What To Do If My Pug Is Not The Right Weight?

You may use the pug growth chart as a reference to help you determine whether or not your pug is on the appropriate development curve, but you should keep in mind that the chart is just a recommendation.

Talk to the doctor about any concerns you have about your pug.

You can assist your pug in achieving a healthy weight if it is either overweight or underweight.

If your pug seems to be underweight, you should either give them extra food or switch to a diet that has more calories.

Reduce the amount of food your pug is eating and try to persuade them to do more physical exercise.

Always seek the advice of your trusted veterinarian in order to choose the best course of therapy for your pug.

How To Properly Weight My Pug?

Every six months is the recommended interval between weighing your Pug, according to the conventional guideline.

This applies to both puppies and mature dogs. It is advised that you weigh your Pug puppy once a month prior to the age of 6 months so that you can monitor their growth and make sure that they’re developing normally.

Pugs Weight

If your Pug suffers from any medical concerns, you need to weigh them more frequently because some diseases might cause fluctuations in weight.

In order to weigh your Pug while you are at home, you will need a bathroom scale. First, while you are holding your Pug, walk on the scale, and make a note of the number.

The second step is to do a self-weigh without carrying your Pug. In the end, you may determine the difference by subtracting the first weight from the second weight. This is how much weight your Pug has.

Pug Genetics And Common Health Problems

Pugs are not immune to the possibility of developing hereditary diseases; this is true of all dog breeds. A few examples are as follows:

Dry eye, corneal ulcers, and proptosis (in which the eyeball is positioned too far forward in the socket) are all potential complications for their eyes.

Medications exist to alleviate the discomfort caused by ulcers and dry eye. Your dog has to visit the doctor ASAP since proptosis may lead to blindness.

Only pugs are susceptible to encephalitis, a fatal brain illness. Circling, seizures, and even blindness are all symptoms.

Legg-Perthes disease is a joint disorder characterized by a decrease in femoral blood flow and subsequent disintegration of the femur. This may sometimes be helped by surgery.

This disease, known as hemi-vertebrae, is more common in pugs with short noses. As a result, the pug’s spinal column will be abnormally shaped. A dog’s gait may change or not change at all depending on the situation.

Final Words

Because pugs are a small breed of dog, it is probable that they would have a longer lifespan than you would find with a bigger breed of dog.

This is something that you might see with larger breeds. The average lifespan of a pug is 13 years, but it may vary anywhere from 13 to 15 years depending on how healthy the dog is and whether or not he has any health concerns that might shorten his life.

Overall, pugs have the potential to live a happy and long life provided that their weight is managed appropriately.

When they are between Between one and seven yeas old, they are regarded as being at the height of their potential; beyond that, they are categorized as senior dogs.

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