Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart – Growth & Weight Chart

Mini Australian Shepherd Growth Chart

Mini Australian Shepherd is the micro package of an Australian Shepherd and is a hardworking, caring, and versatile companion who is more manageable and suitable for individuals not ready to handle a big dog in their home.

To ensure that your puppy is growing well, monitor their weight and height using the Mini Australian Shepherd size chart.

Mini Aussies come with high energy levels and they give an unconditional commitment to any family that is willing to keep them.

Their growth can be affected by a few factors including genetics, nutrition, health, and physical activity.

Continue reading to learn more about the Mini Australian Shepherd size chart and many more!

When Do Mini Australian Shepherds Stop Growing?

Mini Australian Shepherds should stop growing when they reach the ages of between nine and ten months.

However, some Mini Aussies may still grow after nine months and reach their full size by the age of 18 months.

While they may be fully grown physically by the age of one year, their brains are still developing until they reach the age of about two or three years.

They take their time and pace to learn the characteristics of being an adult dog and eventually mentally and emotionally mature.

Mini Australian Shepherd Weight Chart

Mini Australian Shephers Growth Chart

It is important that you keep your Mini Australian Shepherd at a healthy weight that is within their gender and age. This is to avoid them being overweight or underweight which may cause health issues.

The weight of a Mini Australian Shepherd can be affected by certain factors including physical activity, diet, genetics, and health conditions.

Therefore, regular visits to the vet and keeping an eye on our Mini Australian Shepherd growth chart will help keep your puppy maintain a healthy weight.

At the age of four months, your puppy should weigh between 16 and 22 pounds, at six months, they should weigh between 22 and 30 pounds, and at 12 months they should weigh between 35 and 40 pounds.

Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart

Age Weight Female Weight Male Height Female Height Male
2 months8 - 10 lbs10 - 15 lbs6 - 7 inch7 - 8 inch
3 months14 - 16 lbs16 - 18 lbs8 - 9 inch9 - 10 inch
4 months16 - 18 lbs18 - 22 lbs9 - 10 inch10 - 11 inch
5 months18 - 22 lbs22 - 25 lbs9 - 10 inch10 - 11 inch
6 months22 - 25 lbs25 - 30 lbs10 - 11 inch11 - 12 inch
8 months25 - 30 lbs30 - 36 lbs11 - 12 inch12 - 13 inch
10 months30 - 35 lbs36 - 40 lbs12 -14 inch13 - 15 inch
12 months35 - 40 lbs40 - 45 lbs14 - 16 inch15 - 17 inch
24 months40 - 45 lbs45 - 55 lbs16 - 18 inch17 - 20 inch

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Mini Australian Shepherd Puppy Development Stages

Mini Australian Shepherds Weight Chart

Birth – 2 Weeks

During this stage, the puppy’s eyes and ears are not developed but their sense of taste and touch are developed.

They cannot see or hear, and they depend on the mother for warmth as they cannot regulate their body temperature. Towards the end of the second week, the legs grow stronger, and their weight doubles.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

During this period, the puppy undergoes a lot of growth changes. Their teeth start growing, they start seeing clearly, and they can begin socializing.

Weaning also happens in this period and they can move to their new homes at around 8 weeks of age. You can start house training when they are 12 weeks old.

Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart

4 Months – 9 Months 

At this stage, they start looking less like a puppy and more like a dog. You can introduce short walks and play with toys as a form of exercising them.

You should not overexercise them as their joints and bones can be damaged. This is the age to neuter or spay them and proper socializing and training are necessary.

10 Months – 18 Months

At this stage, your Mini Aussie will reach their adult weight and height and stop growing physically.

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However, they are not mentally mature yet and will take up to 3 years to fully mature. This is the age to switch from puppy food to adult food.


As an adult, your Mini Aussie needs to be kept busy and mentally stimulated by walking them around the neighborhood and involving them in competitive sports.

They also need to be fed adult dog food that is complete and balanced to keep them healthy.

How Big Do Mini Australian Shepherds Get?

The best way of knowing how big your Mini Australian Shepherd will be as an adult, look at their parents.

The size of the parents is a clear indication of how your puppy will be when they are grown because of the genetic transfer of physical characteristics.

If you do not have access to the parents, then doing a DNA test will help.

Another way of knowing the adult size of your Mini Aussie puppy is to check the paws. If they are unusually large, then they are still growing and will fill up their frame so that the body is proportional to the paws.

Mini Australian Shepherd Development Stages

If the paws are small and proportional to the body, then they have reached their adult size.

Also, you can use a Mini Australian Shepherd growth chart which shows the age categories with their corresponding weight and height measurements.

The height of a female Mini Australian Shepherd is between 12 and 16 inches and the weight is between 20 and 40 pounds.

On the other hand, a male Mini Australian Shepherd is slightly larger with a weight of between 30 and 50 pounds and a height of between 14 and 28 inches.

Male vs Female Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart

There are a few factors that distinguish between female and male Mini Aussie. The main differences are the physical characteristics such as bone thickness, size, and muscles.

Females are normally smaller than their male counterparts. Also, females have a lower length and coat thickness than males.

The height of a female Mini Australian Shepherd is between 12 and 16 inches and the weight is between 20 and 40 pounds.

On the other hand, a male Mini Australian Shepherd is slightly larger with a weight of between 30 and 50 pounds and a height of between 14 and 28 inches.

You can measure the height of your Mini Australian Shepherd at home using a tape measure. To measure your dog, ensure that they are standing straight on a flat surface.

Next, find their withers which is between the shoulder blades. It is the highest point.

Take the end of the tape measure that starts with zero and put it on the floor then extend the rest of the tape to the withers. This is your dog’s height measurements.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Mini Australian Shepherd Affect His Growth?

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures meant to remove the reproductive organs of dogs.

Spaying your female Mini Australian Shepherd means that their ovaries are removed while neutering is for male Mini Aussies where their testicles are removed.

Spaying and neutering should be done at the right time otherwise the growth of your puppy can be affected as growth hormones are linked to reproductive hormones.

So, if it is done too early, your dog may grow taller than average as the growth plates may not close. Spaying and neutering help with reducing aggression and preventing breeding.

Typically, female Mini Aussies should be spayed before their first heat while male Mini Aussies need to be neutered when they reach puberty.

Therefore, the right time to neuter or spay your dog is between the ages of four and nine months, but you should consult with your vet to know exactly when to do these procedures.

Australian Shepherd vs Mini Australian Shepherd Size

Mini Australian Shepherds are smaller than the standard Australian Shepherds.

Generally, a female Mini Australian Shepherd stands at a height of between 12 and 16 inches with a weight of between 20 and 40 pounds while a male Mini Australian Shepherd has a height of between 14 and 18 inches with a weight of between 30 and 50 pounds.

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On the other hand, a standard female Australian Shepherd has a height of between 18 and 21 inches with a weight of between 40 and 55 pounds.

Male Australian Shepherd has a height of between 20 and 23 inches with a weight of between 50 and 65 pounds.

Factors That Affect Mini Australian Shepherd Growth 

Male vs Female Mini Australian Shepherd Size Chart

The following are the factors that can affect the growth of a Mini Australian Shepherd:

Genetics & Gender 

Genetics play a key role in the growth of any dog including Mini Australian Shepherds. If the parents of the puppy are bigger than average, then your puppy has a higher chance of being a bigger dog as an adult.

Likewise, if the parents have a smaller body frame, then your puppy will be smaller than average.

Gender is another factor that influences the growth of your Mini Aussie. Male Mini Aussies are slightly larger and taller than their female counterparts.


A Mini Australian Shepherd should remain healthy if they are fed high-quality food whether it is prepared at home or commercially manufactured.

If you are preparing food for your puppy at home, ensure that you get the approval and assistance from your vet so that your dog can feed on balanced and healthy food.

Watch the calorie consumption of your dog to avoid changes in weight as some dogs are prone to being overweight.

Learn which human foods are safe for your dog and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s diet, consult with your vet.

Physical Activity & Health

Mini Australian Shepherds are athletic and active dogs and need a moderate amount of physical activity to keep them active.

They enjoy going to the park and excel in canine events such as agility, obedience, and tracking.

Generally, Mini Australian Shepherds are healthy dogs, and breeders who are responsible should test their stock for any health conditions and communicate to you in case the puppy has any issues or comes from a lineage that has genetic health issues.

Regular parasite control and visits to the vet help in ensuring your dog live a healthy and long life.

How Much to Feed a Growing Mini Australian Shepherd Puppy?

The amount of food that a growing Mini Australian Shepherd puppy should eat depends on certain factors such as activity level, size, age, and the type of food.

Using a Mini Australian Shepherd feeding chart will help you find the right amount of food to feed your puppy.

Additionally, you can find your puppy’s specific caloric needs by calculating their resting energy requirement (RER).

When puppies are under four months old, they need three times their RER and between the ages of 5 and 12 months, they need twice their RER. The amount reduces as they grow older since their energy levels reduce.

RER = (weight in kg)3/4 multiplied by 70.

When Mini Aussies are three months old, they eat between 2/3 to 2 cups of food, three times a day.

When they reach five months, they eat between 1¾ to 3 1/3 cups of food, and the amount reduces between the ages of 6 and 8 months.

What Are the Most Common Conditions to Be Aware of In Growing Mini Australian Puppies?

The most common health problem that you need to be concerned about in a growing Mini Aussie is orthopedic issues.

Your growing Mini Aussie can have hip or knee issues. Short-lived and painful bone inflammation also called panosteitis can also affect your growing puppy, and it will require medical attention to be treated.

Mini Australian Shepherd Weight Chart

Some congenital and inherited conditions like osteochondrosis which is the abnormal development of joint cartilage and hip dysplasia where the socket and ball of the hip joint are not correctly aligned are also conditions to be aware of. They may require surgery to be corrected.

Therefore, if you see your Mini Aussie limping or notice that their leg is angled or twisted slightly, take them to the vet immediately for a check-up.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Experience Growing Pain?

Most Mini Aussies do not experience growing pains, however, some orthopedic conditions such as hip dysplasia and osteochondrosis can cause symptoms in your puppy such as abnormal gait, limping, or being reluctant to do normal activities.

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Sometimes your puppy will experience pain, swelling, and heat around the affected parts. Your puppy can also be lethargic, lose appetite, or have a fever, which are signs of certain inflammatory conditions.

Since puppies have high energy than adult dogs, your Mini Aussie may be prone to injuries when playing which may lead to temporary discomfort.

What To Do If My Mini Australian Shepherd Is Not the Right Weight?

Visiting the vet regularly and keeping your Mini Australian Shepherd weight chart helps you to keep the weight of your Mini Aussie at a healthy range.

However, if your dog is not the right weight, then they could be underweight or overweight and this may make them vulnerable to health problems.

You can help your dog reach their normal weight at home with the help of your vet. For underweight dogs, increase the number of calories and add supplements to their food to help them gain weight.

For overweight dogs, there are a few things you can do to help them lose weight.

First, reduce the amount of food you are giving them so that they are in a caloric deficit and their body can burn the excess fat for energy. Secondly, increase their activity level and playtime so that they can burn more calories.

Thirdly, switch the treats you are feeding them to healthy options such as fruits and vegetables. Finally, stop feeding them table scraps and human food as they are high in calories.

How To Properly Weight A Measure My Mini Australian Shepherd?

Size And Weight Chart Mini Australian Shepherd

Weighing your dog once a year is recommended, but to identify any potential problems sooner, you should weigh your Mini Aussie twice a year.

Weighing your dog at home is easy and you can do so by following the steps below using your bathroom scale:

  • Check the scale to ensure it is measuring zero and step on it.
  • Record the number on the scale, this represents your weight.
  • Step out of the scale and pick up your puppy and hold them tight with both arms so that they do not drop.
  • Step on the scale and record the number, which represents the total of your weight and that of your dog.
  • Step out of the scale and give your puppy a treat for cooperating.
  • Subtract your weight from the total weight of you and your dog. The answer is the weight of your Mini Aussie.

Mini Australian Shepherd Genetics and Common Health Problems

Miniature Australian Shepherds have relatively fewer genetic disorders and health problems, and they include the following:

Eye Disorders – are the most common health issues affecting Mini Australian Shepherds.

Some of the eye problems include Iris Colobomas, a cleft in the eye’s iris, Juvenile Cataracts, the degeneration of the lens tissues, and Persistent Pupillary Membrane where the membrane does not break free leading to impaired vision.

Orthopedic Disorders – Hip Dysplasia is a common problem where the head of the thighbone does not fit properly into the cup socket of the hipbone causing pain and deterioration of the joint.

Another orthopedic disorder is the Luxating Patella where the kneecap pops out of place either in a lateral or medical position.

Allergies – excessively dry skin, chronic flea allergies, and Ivermectin sensitivity commonly occurs in Mini Aussies.

Allergies may cause seizures, drooling, loss of muscle control, and even death.

Other – health conditions that may affect Mini Aussies include epilepsy, cancer, multiple drug sensitivity, and autoimmune disease.

Final Words

Providing your Mini Aussie with a balanced and complete diet as well as keeping them active will ensure that they maintain a healthy weight throughout their life.

They make great playmates for other pets and children.

If your dog’s weight is not normal, the first thing that you need to do is to take them to the vet for a medical check-up to examine whether any underlying health conditions are causing the abnormal weight changes.

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