Maltipoo Size Chart – Weight & Growth Chart

Maltipoo Size Chart

A Maltipoo is a mixed breed between the Poodle and the Maltese, and this makes it challenging to know exactly their final size when fully grown.

Keeping a Maltipoo size chart will help you record your puppy’s weight as they grow, and you can use it to track their growth.

Generally, Maltipoos weigh between 5 and 15 pounds with a height of about 6 and 14 inches.

The final size is greatly affected by the parental Poodle used during breeding, whether it was a Miniature or toy variety.

Maltipoos are friendly, loving, and affectionate dogs with adorable and charming personalities, and they get these traits from their Maltese and Poodle parents.

They make great family pets especially if you are living in an apartment.

Continue reading to learn more about the growth of a Maltipoo puppy, the health issues, the different sizes of Maltipoos, and the factors that can impact their growth.

When Do Maltipoos Stop Growing?

When you are trying to figure out when your Maltipoo will stop growing, you should first consider the type of Poodle bred with the Maltese to get your puppy.

If your puppy is a breed mix of a Toy Poodle and a Maltese, they are going to be a small dog hence finishing their growth sooner than bigger dogs.

This means that they reach their final size at the age of around 6 to 9 months.

Maltipoo Puppy Growth Chart

Maltipoos are a breed of the Standard Poodle, and the Maltese take slightly longer to finish their growth, which is about the age of 9 to 12 months.

All Maltipoos will reach adulthood by the age of one year, but they will still have puppy-like behaviors until they reach their second birthday. So, expect them to still be playful and very active.

Feeding your puppy a proper diet and providing them with adequate exercise will ensure that they have optimal growth and healthy life.

Maltipoo Size Chart

Your Maltipoo’s weight can be impacted by various factors such as nutrition, exercise, health issues, genetics, and age. Your puppy needs adequate exercise and healthy nutrition to remain at the right weight.

Your Maltipoo’s weight at different stages will depend on their breed size, whether they are a Mini or Toy. Both sizes have different weights at different ages.

At two months old, your Maltipoo weighs between 1 to 3 pounds, at 6 months, they weigh around 3.5 to 7 pounds, and at 12 months they weigh about 5 to 12 pounds.

The following is a detailed explanation of the two sizes of Maltipoos:

Toy Maltipoo Size

When looking at the Toy Maltipoo growth chart, find your puppy’s age in weeks then look next to it in the adjacent column to see the average weight of your puppy.

For example, if your puppy at 4 months weighs around 2 to 5 pounds, they will weigh around 4 pounds at 9 months.

Maltipoo Puppy Size Chart

Your puppy is considered a Toy Maltipoo if they weigh about 5 to 10 pounds with a height of around 6 to 10 inches when they have finished growing.

However, there is a lot of variation with this breed in terms of size, so your puppy may weigh slightly more or less.

Mini Maltipoo Size

A Mini Maltipoo is bigger than a Toy Maltipoo. When they are fully grown, they weigh about 12 to 15 pounds with a height of around 11 and 14 inches.

They are still in the small breed category but are bigger than the Teacup and Toy varieties.

If your Maltipoo is smaller or larger than the averages and they are consistently growing along their growth curve, you should not be worried.

Maltipoo Weight Chart

Age Weight lbs Weight Kgs
2 Months 1.5 - 3 lbs0.7 - 1.4 kg
4 Months2 - 5 lbs0.9 - 2.3 kg
6 Months3.5 - 7.5 lbs1.6 - 3.4 kg
9 Months5 - 9 lbs2.3 - 4.1 kg
Adult6 - 12 lbs2.7 - 5.4 kg

How Big Will My Maltipoo Puppy Get?

When you get a Maltipoo puppy, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably how big they will get when they are grown.

There are a few ways to predict the final size of your Maltipoo and they include:

Looking at the size of the parents is the first thing you should do as physical characteristics are passed down to puppies.

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If the parents are small, then your Maltipoo will be a smaller dog when grown up, and vice versa.

Following a Maltipoo weight chart will give you a rough estimate of the adult size of your puppy but the figures may not align with your specific puppy as it is based on averages.

Checking your puppy’s paws can also give you a rough idea of whether they have reached their final size or not.

If the paws are bigger than the rest of the body, your puppy needs to fill out to have a proportional body.

Finally, if you are not sure the type of breed your puppy is, do a DNA test to find out their genetic makeup and use the results to predict their final size.

Maltipoo Growth Chart – What To Expect

Maltipoo Size

Birth – 2 Weeks

At birth, Maltipoos are very small and only weigh between a few ounces to 0.5 pounds, depending on the size of your puppy, then they will gain weight slowly in the first two weeks.

At this age, your puppy needs to drink their mother’s milk as it contains all the nutrition they need to begin life.

However, if the mother cannot produce enough milk for the whole litter, a formula substitute can be used.

Your puppy will be sleeping most of the time because their eyes and ears are not fully formed and also the leg muscles are not yet strong enough.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

A lot of growth happens between the ages of three and twelve weeks.

Weaning happened from around four weeks so your Maltipoo will be fully dependent on puppy food at the age of 8 weeks when they will be rehomed.

Since their eyes, ears, and leg muscles are now developed, they are now active and more curious, so they will be running around and being busy.

Socialization is key in this stage so that your puppy can develop good habits

4 Months – 6 Months

When they reach four months old, Maltipoos are half their adult weight.

If your puppy is the smallest of the Maltipoo breed, they will finish growing by 6 months old. This means that their growth slows down at this age.

Maltipoo Growth Chart

Training and more socialization are needed during this period to properly instill good behavior as adults. Ensure that your puppy is getting lots of exercises and play daily to remain healthy.

7 Months – 9 Months

Toy Maltipoo breeds will reach their adult size during this period because they are smaller than Miniature breeds and take a bit longer to finish their growth.

The growth of puppies dramatically slows down at this stage. Your puppy should be fed twice per day now and the amount of food should depend on their activity level.

10 Months – 12 Months

Most Maltipoos will be finishing their growth between 10 and 12 months and transitioning into adulthood.

Watch out for weight gain at this age because your puppy does not need many calories as they have finished growing.

But also ensure that they are getting enough calories to maintain a healthy weight and avoid being malnourished.


Depending on the size of your Maltipoo, they should be done growing and considered an adult dog by the age of one year.

This is the time to transition your Maltipoo from puppy food to adult food as their nutritional needs have now changed.

The switching should be done gradually over a period of 10 days so that your puppy’s stomach can take its time getting used to the new food.

As an adult, your Maltipoo needs to be fed a balanced diet, exercised, and taken to the vet regularly for them to live a healthy life.

Factors That Affect Maltipoo Puppy Growth 

Maltipoo Development


This is the main factor that affects the final size of your Maltipoo puppy.

If your Maltipoo is a mix between a Maltese and a Standard Poodle, then they will be bigger than a Maltipoo which is a mix of a Toy Poodle and Maltese.

Therefore, checking the size of your puppy’s parents will give you an idea of how big your Maltipoo will be when they finish growing.

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Some Maltipoos do not have an even mix between Maltese and Poodle, so the percentage differences between the breeds can also impact the growth of your puppy.

Genetic conditions also affect the growth of your puppy, therefore, ensure that you get the medical history of your puppy’s parents from the breeder and that your puppy is medically cleared before purchasing them.


Nutrition also affects the growth of your puppy. However, nutrition will not make your puppy have accelerated or stunted growth but will determine how their body is growing.

You should feed your Maltipoo the type of food that is specifically designed for them.

Ensure that they are getting enough calories, not too much or too little, as this can lead to weight gain or loss, resulting in health conditions.

Physical Activity & Health

Your Maltipoo’s health and physical activity will affect how well they are growing. It is important that you keep your puppy active so that they can maintain a healthy weight.

However, follow your puppy’s lead on the activities to avoid overexercising them. Your Maltipoo will need a lot of rest to recover after a busy day because they are still growing

Taking your Maltipoo to the vet will ensure that any health issues are caught at an early stage and your puppy will be given treatment if needed.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Maltipoo Affect His Growth?

Spaying involves the removal of the female dog’s ovaries and uterus through an incision in the abdomen, while neutering is the removal of the male dog’s testes.

Spaying or neutering your Maltipoo has some health benefits.

Spaying will prevent your female Maltipoo from mammary tumors and pyometra (uterine infections), while neutering also keeps your dog from testicular cancer and prostate diseases.

Maltipoo Weight Chart

The surgery also solves some behavioral issues like roaming, leg lifting, and mounting. It also helps in decreasing aggressive behavior in male Maltipoos.

Spaying a female dog will also save you from unwanted litter. When the female Maltipoo gets on heat, she develops a scent that attracts male dogs.

This makes you receive unwanted visitors in your compound. This procedure reduces the roaming in both female and male dogs.

Most people say it is better to spay or neuter before the dog gets to a sexually mature age.

Some female Maltipoo gets their first heat at five months which is good if you want to avoid behavioral changes.

However, pieces of evidence have shown that because the dog has not fully grown and developed, it may face some health issues when spayed or neutered at an early age.

It is recommended to spay or neuter your puppy at 6 months or later. However, visit to your vet to get the most appropriate time for the procedure.

Maltese Vs Maltipoo Size

According to the American Kennel Club, Maltese dogs reach a height of 7 to 9 inches in height and weigh about 7 pounds.

On the other hand, the average adult Maltipoo weighs between 5 to 15 pounds while their height goes anywhere between 6 to 14 inches.

What If My Maltipoo Is Not The Right Weight

Maltipoo is not the right weight if they are either overweight or underweight.

The Maltipoo with the right weight has the ribcage not visible but you should feel it. If you have to push through an extra layer of fat to feel the rib cage then your Maltipoo is overweight.

If you can easily feel the sharp ridges or see the rib cage then your dog is underweight.

Be keen on such things to determine whether your dog is ideal, overweight, or malnourished.

Right-weight Maltipoo has a visible waistline. When you view your Maltipoo from an able angle, it should have a slight hourglass shape.

You can see where the ribs are and the waistline in front of their hind legs. An overweight Maltipoo does not have a visible waistline but has a round or straight body shape.

Maltipoo Puppy Development

If you have a Maltipoo with a thick layer, ensure that you are not looking for visible signs only because it can be hard to tell if your Maltipoo is overweight or underweight.

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If your dog is overweight, take them to the vet for a checkup. You can get your dog in shape if you keep them active through games.

This will keep your dog moving, you can also take them on a walk or hiking to keep them active.

Feeding him the right food at the right time makes a great impact. Put your dog on a food schedule to improve their health and also keep their weight in check.

How Much To Feed A Growing Maltipoo Puppy?

The answer to this depends on the activity level of your Maltipoo, whether it’s dry or wet, and the type of dog food. This is the guide to feeding them:

  • 2 to 4 lbs. – ⅓ to ½ cups per day
  • 5 to 8 lbs. – ½ to ¾ cups a day
  • 8 to 10 lbs. – ¾ to 1 cup a day
  • 10 to 12 lbs. – ¾ to 1 cup a day
  • 13 to 16 lbs. – 1 cup a day

Certain brands may recommend portions on their labels. Therefore, it is important to check the labels and stick to the recommended portions of the brand.

How To Choose A Maltipoo Size

You should choose a Maltipoo that fits your lifestyle and your family. Small-size Maltipoos such as toy size and teacups are great for single people and those looking for a companion they can go with anywhere,

Teacup Maltipoo is also a dog that can be used as a therapy dog. Owners of therapy dogs carry them in public places to prevent or reduce stress and anxiety.

The size of your home should determine the size of the Maltipoo you can have because your dog will need a spacious and ideal environment.

Medium or Miniature size Maltipoo is recommended for a home with stairs because they are capable of climbing up and down the stairs more comfortably than teacups.

However, if you are okay carrying your dog up and down the stairs, miniature or teacup are still okay

Small Maltipoos are best for households with children because their small size can easily be injured when around playful kids.

Maltipoos enjoy running and exercising, therefore, they are all okay in a homestead with spacious backyards and plenty of room.

How To Properly Weight And Measure My Maltipoo?

Two methods can be used to weigh your Maltipoo dog.

The first method is using a weighing scale. This will help you to check on the Maltipoo weight regularly.

A bathroom scale is also another method you can use to measure your Maltipoo.

This is best done by holding your Maltipoo and standing on the scale then reading the weight, then standing on the scale and recording the reading.

Finally, deduct the reading while standing alone from the reading while holding the dog. The difference is the weight of the dog.

Maltipoo Genetics And Common Health Problems

Maltipoos have a variety of health problems including:

Dental issues – Maltipoos are small dogs hence have tiny teeth hence their rate of decay can be faster.

Encouraging your dog to eat dry food will help keep their teeth healthy because of chewing. Following a proper dental hygiene routine is highly recommended for your dog.

The white shaker syndrome is a condition that commonly affects dogs with white coats.

Maltipoo has Maltese as the parent, so it can inherit this condition. Symptoms of this problem include tremors throughout the body.

Allergies commonly affect the Maltipoo because of the sensitive skin which can react to diet, and care products like coats, sprays, or shampoos.

Hence, check the skin for any redness, crusts, or irritation while grooming them.

Progressive retinal atrophy is a health condition that leads to loss of eyesight. It causes gradual degeneration of the eye resulting in blindness.

It does not have treatment but the right diet with enough vitamins and antioxidants promotes a healthy retina.

Collapsed trachea is an upsetting condition for the owner and the dog.

It makes the tracheal cartilage rings collapse inwards causing pain, discomfort, and breathing difficulties.

Good care helps prevent this condition. Use a harness instead of the collar and take your dog to the vet for frequent checkups.

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