German Shepherd Seizure

photo by Everyday Health

Most likely, you’re here reading this blog post for two reasons.

The first one is because you just had a traumatic experience with your dog, which we call German shepherd seizure. Your usually carefree dog was sweating like crazy, but you didn’t know what to do.

Sure, that situation may depress you out of guilt, but you shouldn’t go into a stalemate. Instead, you should learn about that issue.

That’s where the second reason comes in, to prepare for future seizures. That way, you won’t be standing still doing nothing the next time it happens.

Here we look at everything an owner needs to know about German shepherd seizure so you can treat, or better yet, prevent this issue.

What is a German Shepherd Seizure?

A seizure is often referred to as convulsion. Some may even say seizure is a “German shepherd having a fit”.

In the case of dogs, a seizure is one of the most frequently occurring neurological disorder.

In its simplest form, seizures are disruptions in a brain’s functioning.

Since the brain goes all whack, you’ll be seeing a lot of unexpected actions from your dog. Let’s take a look at what these are.

Signs of Seizure in German Shepherds

A German shepherd can be unpredictable at times, but there are cases where their actions are actually a sign of a seizure.

Here’s a look at the most common symptoms of German Shepherd seizure:

  • Tongue Chewing
  • Mouth Foaming
  • Imbalance
  • Drooling
  • Fainting
  • Collapsing
  • Jerking

Obviously, you can’t rely solely on the symptoms. You must also achieve a better understanding of where it originates.

Causes of German Shepherds Seizures

The most common cause of German shepherd seizures is idiopathic epilepsy.

Idiopathic epilepsy is considered as a hereditary disorder, although there’s not yet a definite proof of what they come from.

With that being said, you should ask for the parents of the German shepherd to know if they are susceptible to idiopathic epilepsy.

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Some other causes include brain trauma, toxins, tumors, liver disease, and more.

It can also be the result of sudden changes in the brain’s activity. So avoid pushing your German shepherd’s mental abilities if he’d just finished resting because this will lead to significant changes in the brain.

Aside from distinguishing German shepherd seizure by knowing the signs and causes, you can also consult your vet for a diagnosis.

The Safest Way to Diagnose Seizures

There are many causes of German shepherd seizures, and pinpointing the exact cause is a difficult task even for a professional veterinarian. That’s why the diagnosis was made.

Diagnosis starts with checking the complete history of a German shepherd’s physical examinations. They will then try to check if there’s somehow a trigger that causes them.

Other specialized means of seizure diagnosis mainly involves listening to the lungs, heart, and even the abdomen. This is because common signs include irregular heartbeat and abdominal mass.

You don’t have to worry because rumored equipment that can cause seizures like dog shock collar will not be used.

Through the symptoms, causes, and even diagnosis, you should already be able to confirm the German shepherd’s seizure. At this point, you should at least have some seizure treatment.

Taking Care of German Shepherd Seizure

Our German shepherd seizure treatment is more like preventing it from happening in the first place.

  • Genetics matters. The first opportunity to avoid German shepherd seizure comes when buying the dog. Don’t wait until you notice the symptoms of epilepsy in dogs.
    As you already know, idiopathic epilepsy is a hereditary disorder. So to avoid German shepherd seizures, you should ask the breeder for details about the parent. After all, descendants of a dog prone to seizures are more likely to have seizures than normal.
    If you got your German shepherd from a rescue center, the only way to know if your dog’s genetics is by diagnosing them.
  • Healthy Diet. Even after knowing the genetics of the parents, you can’t guarantee that your German shepherd won’t have seizures.
    The perfect diet is different with each dog. So to make a diet as perfect as possible for you German shepherd, consult your veterinarian first, as they are the most knowledgeable about the dog’s health.
    However, in general, a raw diet is better than relying on commercial dog foods. It provides more nutrients and cannot significantly lower blood sugars, which leads us to the next tip.
  • Blood Sugar. When the blood sugar drops significantly, it’s a sign that a seizure may be arriving soon. If you understand the significance of blood sugar, then you should also know the importance of monitoring your dog’s blood sugar. If you encounter any abnormality, your best bet is to consult your veterinarian immediately.
    You can check blood sugar in two ways. The first one involves checking the urine for glucose levels and the second one involves blood testing.
    For urine checking,  you simply need to collect urine from your dog and put it in a bowl or some sort of container. You may then use a urine dipstick, place it in the urine, and check the results. Here’s a recommendation for a reliable and cost-efficient dipstick you can buy.
    If you choose to check the blood instead, there are three things you’ll need. A test strip, glucometer, and the courage to let your cute dog bleed. If you are to buy them, I suggest purchasing them in a AlphaTRAK Blood Glucose Monitoring System.
    First, prick your dog’s ears, extract the blood, and put it in the test strip. You should then let the bleeding stop first. Finally, insert the test strip in the glucometer. You will then get a result shown in the device.
    Regardless of what option you use, you should always record your observations regularly so you may be able to discuss it with your veterinarian at a sooner date.
  • Test Your Pet. As previously mentioned, diagnosing seizures may be one of the best ways to treat them if they are to happen, or prevent them from occurring in the first place.
    It follows the same procedure that I already said. The German shepherd’s heart rate, lungs, abdomen, and other organs are checked for abnormalities.
    Keep in mind, however, that after doing this, you should follow up on your vet on what to do next with the result you got.
  • Stay Calm. Sometimes, you just have to stop thinking about things. However, you should follow the previously-mentioned tips first.  Stress may be what triggers the seizure. And you will only put more pressure on your dog if you panic.
See also  Degenerative Myelopathy in German Shepherd Dogs

If by any chance you were not able to prevent the issue, just make sure you don’t interfere during German shepherd seizures. They are not in much pain but they will be when moved.


A few minutes ago, you probably had zero ideas what German shepherd seizure is. The signs, the cause, the solution. Maybe you didn’t know any of that before, but now you do.

And since you do, it’s now your responsibility to make things better than what you experienced before, when you didn’t know anything.

The bottom line is, you’re not the uninformed person you were before. Remember everything we discussed here and your German shepherd will surely have no problem getting ever seizures if they’d even have one in the first place.

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