Teething can be a problematic stage for an uninformed dog parent. If you want to know when German Shepherds stop teething or how long a German Shepherd teething lasts, check this article. You will find out information about the different German Shepherd teething stages and their corresponding German Shepherd teething age. We will also tell you about the common teething signs and symptoms and tips on how to handle puppy teething.
German Shepherd Puppy Teething Stage
There are 4 stages associated with teething. Familiarize yourself with the stages so that you can know how to deal with teething.
- Early Stages: German Shepherd puppies are born without teeth. They begin getting teeth around 6 to 8 weeks of age. The incisors come first. Next is the canine teeth and the last is the premolars.
- Milk Teeth: The last premolar comes out between 8 to 12 weeks old. That time your GSD already has 28 milk teeth. Take your puppy to the vet so he can check if all the primary teeth have erupted.
- Falling Out: When your puppy is between 12 to 16 weeks of age, he starts losing baby teeth. His incisors begin to fall out. Then the canines follow and the last are the premolars. Check if the puppy’s baby teeth won’t fall out due to persistent baby teeth. Your vet may perform dental extraction to maintain oral health.
- Adult Teeth: How many adult teeth do a German Shepherd have? Your puppy should have 42 adult teeth by the time he’s 8 months old. It means a German Shepherd usually stops teething when he reaches the age of 8 months. However, if your puppy is untrained then he’ll continue chewing for fun or to get your attention. Take your puppy to the vet so he can check if there are misalignment problems.
Puppy Teething Signs and Puppy Teething Symptoms
It’s important to know how long a German Shepherd teething usually lasts. If you know the duration then you will understand your puppy’s behavior better. Be aware of these usual teething signs and symptoms so you don’t misinterpret them as behavioral problems:
- Increased Chewing: When a German Shepherd puppy begins to teeth, he begins to chew on anything he can get in his mouth such as chew toys. If you don’t give him something to chew on, he may start chewing your expensive shoes. He does this to ease the pain associated with teething.
- Missing teeth: For your German Shepherd puppy to grow his adult teeth, he must first lose his baby teeth. Don’t be surprised when you see a tooth on the floor or gaps in your puppy’s gums.
- Bleeding or swollen gums: A bit of blood can come out when a tooth is dislodged. Sometimes you will also notice blood traces on your puppy’s toy. There’s nothing to worry about because this is normal and the gums will soon heal.
- Excessive drooling: Frequent excessive drooling can be messy but this happens when your puppy is teething. If you notice his face or bed is usually wet or bed, it’s an indication of teething.
- Physical distress: Your German Shepherd puppy might refuse to eat which results in weight loss. He may also lose interest in playing. He might have diarrhea if he chews inappropriate objects. He may even have a low-grade fever. If this happens, consult your vet so he can prescribe some medicines to relieve the pain.
Tips on How Your GSD Puppy Can Deal with Teething
Here are some helpful tips guaranteed to help ease your German Shepherd puppy’s pain:
- Herbal Plants– Herbal plants can alleviate the pain your puppy feels. Try making a tea out of these natural calming herbs such as chamomile. Allow the tea to cool completely and offer it to your puppy. If he doesn’t like the taste, you can add some broth.
- Edible Chew Toy– Provide safe chew treats so he won’t resort to destructive chewing on your furniture. Consider providing edible chew treats because of their dual function- teething toys and food. There are many chews treats available in the market. Choose the safest and high-quality ones.
- Ice Cubes– If you don’t want to buy commercial chew treats, you can simply make use of ice cubes at home. Rub an ice cube gently on your puppy’s gum. If he doesn’t like it, you can try freezing the broth from beef, chicken, and vegetables as an alternative. You can also try freezing aloe vera juice or another fruit juice into ice cubes and rub them on your puppy’s gums. The cold temperature will soothe your puppy’s gums.
- Puppy Teething Gel– There are different brands of teething gels to choose from. Choose the teething gel that has natural ingredients such as chamomile, peppermint, and clove oils. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
German Shepherd Puppy Proofing Your Home
Your teething German Shepherd puppy wants to chew everything within his reach to distract himself from the symptoms of teething. Here are some tips to protect your puppy and your stuff in your home:
- Keep your cleaning supplies and medicines in a secure storage area. Because wires pose a risk, cover exposed cables within your GSD puppy’s reach. All human foods especially chocolates and grapes should be out of your GSD puppy’s reach because these can be toxic to your teething puppy.
- Use taste deterrents spray on the legs of off-limits furniture such as tables, chairs, desks, and beds. These substances can be bitter or spicy hot. Dogs normally dislike these tastes.
- Closely supervise your pup when he is loose in the house. You may also designate a chewing area in your home.
- If you can’t watch your puppy, use a secure crate or pen area so he won’t chew everything.
Although teething is challenging for you and your puppy, it’s a normal process because it’s a sign that your German Shepherd puppy is growing. Remember that teething is just a phase and it will pass. Apply the tips above so both of you can keep your sanity intact.