The German Shepherd Dachshund Mix Breed Guide And Information

German Shepherd Dachshund Mix Breed
Photo by Bicanski

This is certainly one of the more unexpected mixes. What exactly do German Shepherd Dachshunds look like? What do they look like and what kind of personality do they have? Well, discover all of this and a lot more right here.

What are the Features Of A German Shepherd Dachshund Mix Breed?

  • Height: 8 – 16 inches
  • Weight: 20 – 70lbs
  • Coat: Double coated
  • Level of Affection: Highly Affectionate
  • Kid-Friendly: Yes
  • Dog Friendly: Maybe, if socialized properly
  • Cat Friendly: Maybe, if socialized properly
  • Preferred Climate: Moderate
  • Shedding Levels: Moderate to High
  • Trainability: Moderate
  • Potential to Bark/Howl: High

What are the Potential Physical Features of a German Shepherd Dachshund?

As you can imagine, there is some discrepancy in how your German Shepherd Dachshund will look. However, here is an outline of some possible physical characteristics.

Will a German Shepherd Dachshund Be The Same Size as a Dachshund?

There is quite a bit of variation with height here. It is possible for your German Shepherd Dachshund to be considered either a small or medium-sized dog when they are fully grown. Keep in mind that the eventual height of the pup will depend on whether the Dachshund parent was a miniature or standard variation.

Will a German Dachshund Have the Facial Features of a German Shepherd?

You can expect dark, round eyes paired with a square and fleshy nose. Of course, it is possible for this pup to take after either of his parents. While the large, triangle-shaped ears are guaranteed, there is no way of knowing if the ears will be floppy or erect until the pooch is older.

What are the Possible Variations for German Shepherd Dachshunds Coats?

The one thing you can be certain of is that your pup will have a double coat. Not only will this make them a moderate to high shedder, they will also blow their coat a couple of times a year.

Now, when it comes to length, this largely depends on the parents. Your pooch may end up with a medium-length or long coat and may have a smooth or wirehaired texture.

With coat colors, there is the possibility of black, brown, red, white, and blue. The pup may have one or more colors, with the chance of being born with the German Shepherd “mask” around the eyes and snout.

Are German Shepherd Dachshunds Good With Family, Kids and Other Pets?

These dogs are incredibly loving and loyal, and are great as a family dog. They love spending time with their human family, although you may notice that they are particularly affectionate towards one individual. If you want to spread the love, make sure to get everyone in the household in taking care of this pooch.

Although this pup is great with familiar faces, they aren’t great with strangers. They tend to be wary of strangers and are often quite aloof. To ensure that your pup won’t be scared or aggressive around others, socialize them at an early age.

These pups tend to be quite good with kids, but it is still important to start the introduction process at a young age. This will make it easier for them to bond with little ones. However, make sure to keep an eye out if children outside of the household are around the dog.

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You should also be careful of how people – children especially – handle your dog. If your pooch takes after their Dachshund parent and has that signature low and long back, they are at greater risk of developing back injuries. As such, you have to make sure that they are carefully handled.

It is possible for German Shepherd Dachshunds to get along with other pets in your household. However, it is important to start socializing them early and to introduce them to animals when they are still puppies. This mixed breed may have a jealous streak so it will need to be trained out of them if you don’t want them snapping at other pets.

This breed has a moderate to high prey drive which means that they may have a tendency to chase cats. Once again, early socialization may be able to get rid of this natural tendency, but there is no guarantee.

You should be aware that this mixed breed may have an independent streak a mile wide. Due to this, you may find some resistance when it comes to training and commands. As such, it is important to train and socialize your dog at a young age to overcome these issues.

Do German Shepherd Dachshunds Suffer from Many Ailments?

It is important to be aware of some of the potential health conditions that can affect this mixed breed. This will make it easier for you to take certain precautions and to improve your dog’s quality of life.

What is the Life Expectancy Range for a German Shepherd Dachshund?

German Shepherd Dachshunds can live for between 9 and 14 years. Their lifespan can be impacted by a number of different factors such as nutrition, genetic conditions, and more.

What Medical Conditions are Most Likely with German Shepherd Dachshunds?

Here are some of the more likely health concerns that you will need to know about this mixed breed:

Frequent veterinary check-ups are key to keeping your dog healthy throughout their life. Always take your dog to the vet if you notice any symptoms or changes in their appetite, behavior, or movement. Early intervention can greatly improve the prognosis of many conditions.

What is the Best Diet for a German Shepherd Dachshund?

There is some difficulty in choosing dog food for a mixed breed like German Shepherd Dachshunds. This is because it is tricky to now which specific traits to cater for.

When your dog is a puppy, choose a dog food that has high-quality ingredients with no fillers or artificial ingredients. Once your pooch has reached their adult years, you can pick their food based on their resulting size. Of course, it should be a good quality food that is a balanced source of protein, carbs, and fats.

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These pups may be prone to obesity, so it is important to monitor their food intake carefully. Don’t leave out food for your dog. Instead, follow the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations and serve the food according to this. Make sure to keep other treats to a minimum as well.

When in doubt, it is best to speak to your vet about which dog food is best for your pup. This is especially important if your dog is diagnosed with a specific health condition or if they may be prone to certain issues.

Does Your German Shepherd Dachshund Need a Daily Workout?

As this pup comes from two working dog breeds, it is actually quite energetic and requires a fair amount of exercise. Deprive your pooch of their daily physical activity and you may find that they will become quite destructive.

Now, depending on your dog’s size and energy levels, they may need to be exercised anywhere from 20 minutes to 40 minutes each day. A long walk will be enough to give your pooch the physical activity that they need. It is best to split this up into two equal intervals – 10 minutes or 20 minutes twice a day.

The best way to figure out what works for your pup is to start at around 20 minutes and then begin to slowly work your way up. If they still seem to have plenty of energy after the walk, then you can increase how long the workout is. If they are too tired, scale back.

It is possible for your dog to display some digging tendencies. While you should train your dog not to dig up your garden, it may be helpful to have one spot or an inflatable pool filled with dirt. This will be quite entertaining for your pooch.

How Can You Reduce How Much Your German Shepherd Dachshund Sheds?

Due to their double coat, you can expect some shedding. You can help to keep the situation under control by brushing the pooch several times a week. Always use a brush that is specific to the length of your dog’s coat. An undercoat rake can help to prevent shedding even further.

Now, the shedding is likely to intensify at the end of the cooler months. This can easily be remedied by brushing your dog every day instead. It will also be useful to use a de-shedding brush.

These dogs don’t need to be bathed often. In fact, you should hold off unless they absolutely need a bath. Otherwise, as long as you brush them regularly, you will not have to bathe them for several months at a time.

Can German Shepherd Dachshunds Adapt to Different Living Conditions?

Unlike other German Shepherd mixes, this mixed breed doesn’t hold up as well to the cold. Yes, they do have a double coat, but it is unlikely that their fur is thick enough to protect them in very cold climates. Thus, if the temperature drops quite a bit, consider putting your German Shepherd Dachshund into a sweater before taking them out.

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Now, this doesn’t mean that German Shepherd Dachshunds are particularly well-suited to warmer climates either. They will be most comfortable in moderate temperatures. Thus, during the summer, you should make certain that your dog has plenty of shade. Also, avoid taking them outside during the hottest parts of the day.

As for living spaces, if your German Shepherd Dachshund is on the smaller side, they may be able to adapt to living in an apartment. However, you will need to make sure that they are getting plenty of exercise.

Also be aware that these pups can be barkers. Therefore, if you don’t want your neighbors to complain, you will need to make sure that you are around for much of the day.

How Can You Motivate a German Shepherd Dachshund to Learn Tricks?

As this pooch is a mix of two working breeds, they are quite trainable. They can learn numerous tasks and commands as long as you take the right approach.

As mentioned, it is possible for them to have an independent and headstrong personality. Thus, you will need to establish yourself as the dominant leader while they are still a pup. If this is your first dog, then enrolling your dog in puppy classes or getting the help of a trainer may be a good idea.

In general, it is all about providing your dog with the right motivation. You will find that German Shepherd Dachshunds will respond best to positive reinforcement. In particular, their love of food may make treats a good motivator. Of course, love and affection can also work.

Are There Many German Shepherd Dachshund Breeders?

Now, this is a relatively new mix and isn’t as widespread. Thus, you may need to do some research and find specialized breeders. Always choose a reputable breeder. A good breeder will take accurate histories for both parents, going back several generations.

These individuals are far better at weeding out genetic disorders in puppies. In doing so, there will be a lower risk of your pup developing serious medical conditions.

How Many German Shepherd Dachshunds Can You Find in Shelters?

As stated, these dogs aren’t all that common so finding a rescue may not be that easy. Checking online shelters may help you to find what you are looking for.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about German Shepherd Dachshunds:

Can a German Shepherd Mate with a Dachshund?

Yes, this can happen. It is most likely that a female German Shepherd will carry the puppy to term, though.

How Big Will a German Shepherd Dachshund Get?

At the most, a German Shepherd Dachshund will grow up to 16 inches and weigh a maximum of 70lbs.

How Much Will German Shepherd Dachshund Puppies Cost?

These puppies can cost anywhere from $500 to $1000 a puppy. The exact price will depend on the breeder, region, and availability.

These are the top things you should know about the German Shepherd Dachshund mix. You will now be able to make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right pooch for you.

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