Dogo Argentino Growth Chart – Size & Weight Chart

Dogo Argentino Growth Chart

Have you recently purchased a Dogo Argentino and are curious as to its weight? The weight categories for your dog at various ages are provided by a Dogo Argentino growth chart.

Dogo Argentinos are pack-hunting dogs that were designed to go after large game like wild boar and pumas. It has all the power, brains, and quick reflexes of a dedicated athlete.

His short, smooth coat is entirely white, although a small, dark patch that does not span over 10% of the head is usually seen near the eye.

Dogo Argentinos are big, strong, and athletic. Their balanced frame is supported by upright, robust forelegs and very strong, medium-angulated hindquarters.

His powerful head is held up by a robust, yet graceful neck that connects to a balanced body. The Dogo appears to possess explosive force and vigor.

This article will inform you on a variety of topics, including what to anticipate as your puppy develops and the illnesses to which they are genetically predisposed.

When Do Dogos Argentinos Stop Growing?

Dogo Argentino Puppy Growth Chart

Dogo Argentinos are a huge breed, and they reach adult weight and height at about 16 and 18 months of age, respectively.

Dogo Argentino puppies grow quickly in the first 7 to 8 months of life, but as they approach puberty and begin to fill out and put on muscle mass, their growth slows.

Puppies of the Dogo Argentino breed mature mentally around the age of two, while some retain puppy characteristics for an additional year.

Your puppy’s growth rate can be impacted by a number of variables, including genetics, health, food, and physical activity.

Dogo Argentino Growth Chart

In the table below, you will see Dogo Argentino height and weight approximations. It’s possible for the height and weight to differ from what the chart shows. This is typical in most circumstances.

However, bear in mind that your Dogo Argentino may be more susceptible to acquiring particular health problems if he is too little.

Consider your Dogo Argentino’s health more carefully if you see that his weight is significantly lower than any of the numbers in the Dogo Argentino growth chart.

It’s important to understand when your Dogo Argentino is of legal age. In order to appear healthy and function as intended, dogo argentinos should preserve a weight that is appropriate for their height.

Useful tools for tracking your dog’s growth include growth charts and BMI. People hold them in high respect for exactly the same reason.

While your Dogo Argentino’s weight may not lie within a specific range, it is acceptable to keep him a few pounds more than average if he has no trouble exercising.

In order to utilize the Dogo Argentino weight chart, you need to carefully match the age of your dog today with the equivalent age in the left column.

Then look for the weight that corresponds beneath the appropriate row. Just make sure to talk to your vet if everything doesn’t seem to be going according to plan.

Dogo Argentino Weight Chart

Age Weight lbsWeight kg
3 Months 31.5 - 34.5 lbs14 - 15.5 kg
4 Months41.5 - 45 lbs19 - 20.5 kg
5 Months50 - 55 lbs22.5 - 25 kg
6 Months59 - 64 lbs26.5 - 29 kg
7 Months66 - 71.5 lbs30 - 32.5 kg
8 Months70.5 - 77.5 lbs32 - 35 kg
9 Months75.5 - 83 lbs34 - 37.5 kg
10 Months79 - 87 lbs36 - 39.5 kg
11 Months80.5 - 91 lbs36.5 - 41 kg
12 Months83 - 92.5 lbs37 - 42 kg

Dogo Argentino Puppy Development Stages

Dogo Argentino Puppy Development

Birth – 2 Weeks

During this neonatal stage, the puppy is totally reliant on the mother for warmth because they are unable to control their body temperatures.

Additionally, they rely on mother’s milk for nutrients since colostrum contains chemicals that boost the puppy’s immune system.

The puppy is not yet able to hear, see, or crawl. Your puppy has to receive a deworming treatment at two weeks old since they are susceptible to catching worms.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

Your puppy is in the most formative stage of its development at this point, and what they learn there will have a lasting impact. You must socialize them with both people and other canines throughout this stage of development.

When your puppy is 4 weeks old, you can begin weaning him or her, and between 6 and 8 weeks, you can complete the process. They can move into a new home at 8 weeks and ought to have had their shots by then.

A female Dogo Argentino at the age of three months ought to weigh around 28 and 32 pounds on average. They should weigh between 52 and 59 pounds at six months, and between 73 and 83 pounds at one year.

A male Dogo Argentino should weigh around 32 and 34 pounds at the age of 3 months, on the other hand. At six months, they should weigh between 59 and 64 pounds, and at one year, they ought to be between 83 and 93 pounds.

4 Months – 9 Months

During this stage of development, the majority of their organs have completed development, and their growth rate has begun to slow.

This is the time to start your puppy on a training regimen to develop their motor, social, and obedience skills.

Your dog should be spayed or neutered when they are roughly 6 months old, when they achieve sexual maturity. Your puppy displays dominance and tries to take charge of your household throughout this stage.

Dogo Argentino Size Chart

10 Months – 18 Months

During this time, your puppy reaches physical adulthood and becomes an adult. Your puppy should be switched to adult food at 16 months of age because their calorie needs have decreased.

Despite having plenty of energy at this time, they still need a lot of mental and physical stimulation. Continually socialize and train your puppy for both their welfare and a longer lifespan.


Your Dogo Argentino requires assistance, care, and attention as an adult. They require a balanced, healthy diet in addition to adequate exercise.

Do not overwork your dog because this could harm their joints and bones. Regular visits to the vet are necessary to make sure he doesn’t have any underlying illnesses that could harm their health and to catch any problems early.

How Big Do Dogos Argentinos Get?

You may want to know how large your Dogo Argentina will get when it grows up. To determine the size of your puppy as an adult, ask your breeder for details about your pet’s parents.

This is so because parents are the best predictors of a puppy’s adult size.

The size of your dog can also be predicted by observing their paws. If they are unusually little, your puppy will probably grow into a smaller dog.

The weight chart in this page is also useful to you because, for the most part, it is trustworthy. If everything else fails, you can determine the genealogy to account for any other breeds thanks to DNA testing that are readily available.

Male Dogo Argentinos are between 88 and 99 pounds and are between 24 and 27 inches tall as adults, whilst female Dogo Argentinos are between 71 and 77 pounds and are between 23 and 25 inches tall.

Dogo Argentino Size Chart

Dogo Argentino Weight Chart

A male Dogo Argentino weighs between 88 and 99 pounds on average, compared to a female’s typical weight of 71 to 77 pounds.

Maintaining a healthy weight for the whole of your puppy’s life will protect them from illnesses linked to weight increase.

Your Dogo Argentino’s height will reveal whether or not they have stunted growth. The height of your dog can be measured at home.

Allow your dog to face a wall standing straight up. Measure the distance from the ground to the withers using a flexible measuring tape.

Your puppy’s withers are located between the shoulder blades and one inch below the neck. This is the height of your puppy.

A female Dogo Argentino typically stands between 23 and 25 inches tall, while its male counterparts are between 24 and 27 inches tall.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Dogo Argentino Affect His Growth?

Males should be neutered, and females should be spayed. In these treatments, the reproductive organs—the ovaries in women and the testes in men—are removed.

It is advised to get your puppy fixed between the ages of four and six months. Early completion of the process should be avoided because it may cause problems with the joints, skeleton, and development.

Spaying or neutering your puppy has advantages. Reduced aggressive behavior, prevention of female pregnancy, and male reproduction are a few of them.

Additionally, it is recognized that these procedures reduce the possibility of cancer spreading to the reproductive system.

Spaying or neutering, however, might raise the risk of obesity and ailments like hip dysplasia and irregular bone formation.

Cane Corso vs Dogo Argentino Size

Although both the Dogo Argentino and Cane Corso are huge canines, they weigh slightly differently.

The heights of the two kinds are comparable, ranging from 24 to 27 inches for males and 23 to 25 inches for females, although there is a significant weight differential between the two breeds.

Male Cane Corsos weigh between 99 and 110 pounds, while females weigh between 88 and 99 pounds.

While the maximum weight for male Dogo Argentino is 99 pounds and the maximum weight for female Dogo Argentino is 77 pounds.

Factors That Affect Dogo Argentino Growth 

Dogo Argentino Growth

Genetics & Gender

The main factor influencing your puppy’s growth rate is genetics. The puppy’s physical characteristics can be inherited from its parents.

As a result, there is a good probability that your puppy will be smaller as an adult if its parents are smaller than average.

Dogo Argentino men tend to be larger and bulkier than their female counterparts.


Your Dogo Argentino puppy has to be fed a diet that is specifically designed to meet their digestive demands as they grow older, depending on their size and age.

Due to the size of Dogo Argentinos, make sure the food you purchase is suitable for large dogs.

To determine a feeding regimen and the optimum diet for your Dogo Argentino puppy’s growth, consult your veterinarian. You should offer your puppy clean, fresh water in addition to lean protein, good fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Physical Activity & Health

Since the Dogo Argentino is an athletic, robust, and active dog, they require a lot of exercise due to their high stamina.

A grownup Dogo Argentino has to exercise for at least an hour every day, but 90 minutes is preferred. Your puppy will benefit greatly from exercises like walking, jogging, weight lifting, fetch, and hiking.

Determine whether your puppy is at risk for any genetic health conditions by working with your veterinarian and the breeders.

How Much To Feed A Growing Dogo Argentino Puppy?

Regardless of breed, it is imperative that your dog maintain a healthy weight.

Dogo Argentinos are known for packing on the pounds, therefore for optimum health and performance, their diet should include biologically suitable proteins, healthy fats, ground bones, and vegetables, which are rich with vital vitamins and minerals.

You should keep a close eye on your dog’s weight and general appearance as they adjust to their diet, just like you would with any other dietary adjustment. The amount of food you give your dog each day depends on a number of variables.

While your Dogo Argentino is still a puppy, you should feed him food in smaller volumes while regularly assessing his dietary requirements.

You can increase the amount of food he consumes as he ages. But since he will be an adult in 24 months, you must make the meals modest and monitor his weight.

Three to four cups of food should be sufficient for a Dogo Argentino.

How To Tell If Your Dogo Argentino Is Underweight Or Overweight?

Weighing your dog once a week and keeping track of it will allow you to determine whether your Dogo Argentino puppy is headed in the direction of being overweight.

This will demonstrate the course of your Dogo Argentino puppy’s growth. Additionally, if you closely examine your puppy’s growth pattern, you can determine whether your Dogo Argentino puppy will be overweight. Utilizing this technique is not too difficult.

The body condition chart can be used to determine whether your dog is overweight, underweight, or of normal weight if you do not have a track of the weekly weights of your Dogo Argentino. To apply this strategy, you need to have some skill.

What Are The Most Common Conditions To Be Aware Of In Growing Dogo Argentino Puppies?

Dogo Argentino Development

The same bacterial and viral illnesses that can affect any dog, including parvo, rabies, and distemper, can affect dogo argentinos.

We will advise immunization depending on the diseases we find in your area, age, and other considerations because many of these infections are avoidable with vaccination.

Dogo Argentinos may experience serious health issues due to obesity. It is a dangerous condition that can aggravate heart disease, back discomfort, metabolic and digestive diseases, and joint problems.

When your dog wants food, you may want to give her food and dog treats but you should not. Give her a hug instead, clean her hair or teeth, play a game with her, or maybe go on a stroll with her. Both you and she will feel better!

Do Dogos Argentinos Experience Growing Pain?

Certain orthopedic disorders may cause discomfort in dogo Argentinos. The same physical actions that he frequently does can cause your dog to act strangely or hesitate.

There may be a limp or swelling in the feet. These symptoms may be the result of growing pains if no injury of any kind caused them.

Your dog could have unexpected, unforeseen growing pains. Make sure your dog is getting enough sleep. Ensure that it has access to food and drink as well. To make sure there is nothing harmful, you can take him to the vet for an examination.

What To Do If My Dogo Argentino Is Not The Right Weight?

The health of your Dogo Argentino may suffer if they have put on weight because being overweight increases the risk of developing serious conditions including diabetes, dysplasia, and heart disease.

Maintaining your puppy’s weight loss can keep them healthy and content.

Reduce the amount of food you are giving your puppy and give it just the best foods. Additionally, swap out commercial sweets for healthier alternatives like baby carrots, apples, and green beans.

Exercise for your dog should include quick walks, swimming, or games of catch.

How To Properly Weight My Dogo Argentino? 

If you want to frequently track your Dogo Argentino’s growth and spot any abnormal growth early, using a dog scale is essential.

It would be simple for you to frequently weigh your Dogo Argentino without any problem if you have a scale for doing so.

The second way involves weighing oneself on a bathroom scale while carrying your Dogo Argentino. Then weigh yourself on the same scale without your Dogo Argentino.

Then subtract your weight when not carrying your Dogo Argentino from your weight when carrying your dog.

Dogo Argentino Genetics And Common Health Problems

Early medical examinations for your Dogo Argentino will help you prepare for or prevent any health issues that might impact your puppy.

As a breed, Dogo Argentinos are genetically prone to the following illnesses:

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: This condition results in pain and abnormalities in the hip and elbow joints. Surgery is a viable option for treating this issue.

Intestinal Parasites – Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms are among the intestinal parasites to which Dogo Argentino is susceptible. Your veterinarian will be able to treat your puppy effectively if the exact parasite causing him is identified early.

Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) – Most large dogs, including the Dogo Argentino, suffer from the ailment known as gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV). When the stomach enlarges and traps what is within of it, this syndrome develops. If not treated right away, it might be fatal.

Final Words

Your Dogo Argentino’s proper development depends on your knowledge of the many developmental stages. You will be ready as a new owner if you are aware of when to wean, train, and vaccinate them.

Certain elements, like as medical issues, food, and physical activity, can limit your puppy’s growth.

It is important that you keep an eye on the weight chart and frequently see your veterinarian for advice on the best ways to take care of your puppy in terms of feeding, exercise, and any necessary medical exams.

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