Dalmatian Growth Chart – Size & Weight Chart

Dalmatian Growth Chart

When selecting a dog breed, it’s important to take the animal’s size into account and our Dalmatian growth chart will assist.

Those around them quickly get fond of them due to their sweet natures. We like the fact that they can also be silly. Having a Dalmatian as a family pet ensures that there will never be a boring time.

They want to participate in all of your activities. You could say they are nosy, but only in the greatest conceivable manner.

Their presence will be so pervasive that you’ll feel like they’re following you wherever you go. It’s crucial that you know everything about the breed, including its expected size.

A dog’s adult stature and weight are readily available online, but for further specifics during development, you’ll need to consult a growth chart.

Here, you’ll find a growth chart for Dalmatians that gives specifics on their size at various ages.

When Do Dalmatians Stop Growing?

An extraordinary growth spurt distinguishes the development of Dalmatians. This occurs throughout the first several months of their life.

If you blink, you can miss the fact that your pup is now twice as big. Around the 16-month milestone, they reach their full adult size. This isn’t the situation with every dog, however, so keep that in mind.

Dalmatian Size Chart

Some Dalmatians experience a rapid development spurt and may reach adult size well before the 16-month mark.

Some dogs may develop more slowly than others, with some becoming even taller beyond the age of 16 months.

The Dalmatian fits well with the medium-sized dog breeds. In contrast to the larger canine breeds, Dalmatians continue to develop physically until they are two years old.

Dalmatian Growth Chart

Keep your puppy in the healthy weight range for his or her breed by using the Dalmatian weight chart.

Take your puppy to the doctor if its weight is much higher or lower than the norm for its age; this might be a sign of serious health problems.

If you look at a Dalmatian size chart, you may get a rough idea of what healthy weight range a puppy ought to be in depending on their age.

You can more easily check that they’re neither overweight or underweight if you keep track of their weight in this manner.

The following table may be quickly referenced. In order to achieve this, you need just keep track of your dog’s actual age.

Then, locate your dog’s age range on the left-hand side of the table. Once you have this information, finding the dog’s weight inside the appropriate column is a straightforward thing.

Dalmatian Weight Chart

Age Weight lbs
3 Months 15 - 25 lbs
4 Months20 - 35 lbs
5 Months25 - 40 lbs
6 Months29 - 50 lbs
7 Months32 - 55 lbs
8 Months35 - 58 lbs
9 Months37 - 60 lbs
10 Months39 - 62 lbs
11 Months41 - 64 lbs
12 Months43 - 67 lbs
2 Years45 - 70 lbs

Dalmatian Puppy Development Stages

Dalmatian Puppy Growth Chart

Birth – 2 Weeks

This is their most critical moment as they’re frail now. Hearing and sight are not developed during the initial 10 days of life.

They cannot walk. After 10 days, their eyes will progressively open, but they won’t see. Without teeth, they survive on their mother’s milk.

They develop fast after two weeks. Currently, their mother is more important. They can accomplish many things better than humans. Food is their main purpose.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

Many things will happen throughout this period, making it fascinating to watch. Their vision will greatly improve initially.

They’ll start investigating their surroundings. Their hearing will improve. They will respond to your voice and other noises.

Since they’re stronger now, they’ll go about and find a comfy location. They play with their siblings and sometimes snarl or wag.

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Baby teeth will start to emerge and they require their mother’s milk, but you may carefully provide wet and soft puppy food.

Dalmatian puppies start learning dog behavior at this age. Your dog will learn barking, chasing, biting, playing, etc. during this time. We get to bring our dog home at around at 8 weeks.

4 Months – 9 Months

Your Dalmatian will have trouble eating and teething when he or she is 4 months old since its baby teeth are emerging.

At 6 months old, they have reached sexual maturity and may be spayed or neutered safely at 9 months. It’s time for the female Dalmatian to start producing pups.

Dalmatian Puppy Development

At 7 months, the puppy’s permanent teeth will have erupted and his or her brain will have finished maturing.

Once the growth plates have fused, your puppy will be ready for high-impact sports like running and agility.

10 Months – 18 Months

Your puppy reaches this developmental milestone when it learns the meaning of pack membership, both in canines and humans.

People’s actions are greatly influenced by people around them. They will begin testing the waters of group leadership and influence.

They may now participate in more physically demanding activities, and their natural curiosity is piqued.

At this age, consistent exercise is very vital due to their boundless amounts of energy. They require a lot of positive reinforcement in order to boost their confidence.


Dalmatians reach complete sexual, physical, and mental development at the age of 18 months.

However, these components of development do not occur simultaneously.  Mature Dalmatians, in contrast to their excitable and feisty teenage selves, are more regulated and relaxed in their adulthood.

How Big Do Dalmatians Get?

The build and stature of Dalmatians are highly heritable characteristics. In order to predict your puppy’s final size, it’s important to study the ancestors.

This is because, given the right circumstances, most pups will grow to the same size as their parents.

Dalmatian Weight Chart

Your puppy’s ultimate adult size will be determined in large part by their age. Physical maturation in canines is a lengthy process that continues for at least another year. Choose between a DNA test and the weight chart provided here.

The size of a dog’s adulthood is mostly determined by its parents. Talk to the breeder you bought your Dalmatian from to learn more about the dog’s family tree.

Your Dalmatian’s expected mature size will likely be similar to that of its progenitors and near canine relatives.

Finally, you need to take a measurement of your Dalmation puppy’s paws. If their paws look abnormally huge in relation to the rest of their body, they may still be growing into them.

Male Vs Female Dalmatian Size Chart

Dalmatians weigh 45–70 pounds. Male and female sizes vary. Male Dalmatians typically weigh 55-65 pounds.

They average 22-24 inches at the shoulder. Female Dalmatians weigh 45–55 pounds and are 20–22 inches tall.

Male Dalmatians are somewhat bigger than females. However, food and exercise may affect size within either gender. You should be able to feel a Dalmatian’s ribs without too much fat.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standard for the Dalmatian stipulates that size should be “perfectly proportioned” and not “excessively huge” or “oversized,” and any weight range above or below the normal weight range is disqualified for conformation shows.

Dalmatians must stand on all fours to be measured. Tape measure the dog from his back to the floor. This may be done as the dog develops to determine its growth chart position.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Dalmatian Affect His Growth?

Depending on time, neutering or spaying a Dalmatian might affect growth. Neutering, or castration, removes the dog’s testicles.

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Spaying, or ovariohysterectomy, removes the dog’s ovaries and uterus around 9-12 months old is a good time to have this done.

Neutering or spaying a Dalmatian reduces the risk of cancer and behavioral concerns including aggressiveness and wandering.

It also reduces unwanted pups. The downsides include a minor increase in obesity and hip dysplasia risk and a slower development rate.

Neutering or spaying a Dalmatian before maturity might slow development by preventing hormone release from the gonads.

However, neutering or spaying typically outweighs the drawbacks and the size difference is usually not considerable.

A vet can help you choose the best option for your pet based on their requirements and your lifestyle.

Doberman Vs Dalmatian Size

Dobermans and Dalmatians are popular breeds, yet they are quite different in size. Dobermans outweigh Dalmatians.

Dalmatians weigh 45-70 pounds and stand 19-24 inches, whereas Dobermans weigh 60-90 pounds and stand 26-28 inches.

Dobermans are intelligent, loyal, and protective, whereas Dalmatians have stamina and endurance.

Dalmatians have spotted coats, whereas Dobermans are stylish, athletic, and sleek. Both breeds make good pets, but size and activity level should be considered while picking one.

Factors That Affect Dalmatian Growth 

Dalmatian Puppy Growth

Genetics & Gender

Female dogs are smaller than males.  If you compare a male and female Dalmatian, you will see the difference.  Genetics do not hinder their development. They might inherit size and health difficulties.

Dalmatians aren’t all one size, for various reasons some are larger. You can estimate your dog’s size from the breeder’s breeding dogs.

If both parents are larger and stronger, your dog will be too. They’ll have a tiny puppy. If you feed your dog too much and both parents are small, they will likely be larger than their parents.


Give your Dalmatian a well-balanced diet. If your dog needs extra calories, give him healthful meals instead of treats.

Feed your Dalmatian plenty to keep him active.  Nutrition should assist growth without weight gain.

Excess food encourages growth, which might be harmful.  Treats and dog food must be measured at all times. This prevents guesswork and ensures consistency.

Physical Activity & Health

Dalmatians need play and exercise. Play is crucial in their initial months as they are just learning to use their limbs. This phase is beneficial for puppy-owner connection and development.

Play with your puppy at least 30 minutes a day, not including walks or dog parks, for appropriate development and mental wellness. Interactive dog games are plenty. Both of you will love it.

They’ll exercise harder as they become older to release all that energy. Over-exercising pups might damage growth platelets.

If they don’t get enough exercise, senior dogs might become fat and sad, which worsens their health.

How Much To Feed A Growing Dalmatian Puppy?

A Dalmatian puppy’s demands and activity level determine its diet. Dalmatian puppies need a high-protein, moderate-fat, and carbohydrate diet.

Age, weight, and exercise habits determine how much Dalmatian puppies should consume. Dalmatian puppies should eat 3-4 tiny meals every day instead of one huge meal.

A Dalmatian puppy should eat 20-30 calories per pound every day during the first six months. A 30-pound dog needs 600-900 calories each day.

As the puppy’s development slows after 6 months, feeding may be reduced gradually. A developing Dalmatian puppy should eat 15-20 calories per pound per day.

To find the correct food and feeding regimen for your Dalmatian puppy, visit a veterinarian or professional nutritionist.

Puppies develop at various speeds and have varying nutritional demands. If you detect weight increase or decrease, visit a vet and modify food consumption.

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Do Dalmatians Experience Growing Pain?

Puppies of all breeds, including Dalmatians, often experience some kind of discomfort as they develop physically and mentally.

Pain, discomfort, and hobbling are all symptoms of what are known as “growing pains” in dogs, brought on by the fast development of new bones and muscles.

Lack of interest in moving, limping, tightness, and whimpering or crying when handled are all classic symptoms of developing pains.

Dalmatian Size

Growing pains are prevalent in dogs of all sizes, but especially medium breeds like Dalmatians between the ages of 4 and 14 months.

Though growing pains are frequent and typically harmless, it’s still vital to get your pet checked out by a vet if he or she is showing any indications of lameness or discomfort.

Growing pains may be alleviated with a combination of a nutritious diet, frequent exercise, and a healthy body weight.

What To Do If My Dalmatian Is Not The Right Weight?

Puppy health depends on proper weight.  Your overweight Dalmatian may lose weight by exercising more and eating less.

Take your Dalmatian to the vet for a weight-loss plan. Keep in mind that your Dalmatian may be smaller than usual because to genetics, diet, exercise, or health issues.

High-quality food, a feeding schedule, and 5 minutes of exercise every month will help them acquire and stay at a healthy weight.

If the Dalmatian is underweight due to a health issue, vet visits will help diagnose and treat it.

How To Properly Weight My Dalmatian?

There are two approaches you may take at home to accurately weigh your Dalmatian. They can be weighed on a bathroom scale if they can remain still long enough for you to do so.

The following actions should be taken if this is not the case.

  • Get on a scale first.
  • Weigh yourself while holding your new Dalmatian dog.
  • Estimate your net weight by deducting your dog’s weight from your own.

Dalmatian Genetics And Common Health Problems

The Dalmatian dog, like many dog breeds, is susceptible to certain disorders. Your dog may not acquire any of the most prevalent ailments. Dalmatians are more susceptible to certain health issues:

  • Deafness. This illness is inherited from their parents. This dog breed often has this condition. They may be tested for hearing loss at 6 weeks. Some pups are born deaf in one ear or have modest hearing issues in both ears. Hearing may also decline with age.
  • Allergies. Some foods, dust, and plants may bother these dogs. If your dog has skin rashes, take them to the doctor so they can identify their allergens and treat them.
  • Urolithiasis. Due of their unusual urinary tract system, these dogs may obtain stones. Taking your dog to the clinic as soon as you notice peeing difficulties might save their life.

Healthy Dalmatians live 10–13 years. To keep your dog healthy, see the vet periodically. Dog health is the main element in longevity.

Final Words

Knowing which dog breed is best for you and your family is essential before bringing one home.

The dog’s size is an important factor to consider and should be suitable for your requirements. By reading this, you’ve already shown that you’ve done some serious research on the breed.

The potential size and growth of a dog is crucial. Small dogs may be more manageable for certain people, but large breeds have their fans as well.

If you fall in the middle, you should look at how large certain medium-sized dog breeds may grow to be.

With any luck, our Dalmatian dog size chart was able to answer any and all queries you could have had about the size of this beautiful breed.

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