Bloodhound Weight Chart – Size & Growth Chart

Bloodhound Weight Chart

How could an owner anticipate a Bloodhound’s size, weight, and height? Well, a Bloodhound weight chart may be just the thing you need to help you!

Long ears, hanging skin, an exceptional sense of smell, and hunting prowess are a few of the traits that make bloodhounds famous.

They are a very well-known and beloved breed of dog worldwide. But what size do they usually reach?   

This renowned “Sleuth Hound” as they are sometimes called, is known for doing just one better thing than any other animal on earth.

This is finding individuals who are missing or hiding. Among the most obedient dogs in the canine world when not on duty, the Bloodhound is persistent and hard-headed while tracking down a scent.

The hue of their coat might be red, liver, or black and tan. Bloodhounds can sniff across miles of difficult terrain because of their powerful legs.

They like companionship, especially that of other dogs, youngsters, and other pack members. All the information about a Bloodhound’s development can be found in this article.

When Do Bloodhounds Stop Growing?

It takes longer for Bloodhound puppies to reach their full size since the breed is on the larger side.

When they are approximately 18 and 24 months, they typically attain their full adult size in terms of both weight and height.

They have reached their complete maturity at this point, therefore there should be no more outward signs of development.

At two years old they have already reached their full intellectual potential.

Bloodhound Puppy Weight Chart

Bloodhounds mature quickly, gaining anything from three to five pounds each week on average.

Between the ages of 4 and 8 months, they go through the bulk of their growth.

Because their rib cages, bodies, heads, limb bones, spines, and other body parts are increasing at this time, Bloodhound puppies need more attention because of this.

Bloodhound Growth Chart

There are a number of factors that may influence your Bloodhound’s weight, including their genetics, nutrition, health, and level of exercise.

Your new puppy’s weight ought to be approximately suitable for its weight category so that they do not run the danger of developing health problems caused by weight gain like dysplasia or heart disease.

It is normal for a Bloodhound puppy to weigh approximately 40 – 50 pounds when they are 4 months old. They usually weigh around 75 – 85 pounds by the time they are 8 months old.

In conjunction with the Bloodhound weight chart, you can ensure that you are giving your puppy nutritious and well-balanced meals to eat and providing them with the appropriate amount of activity to keep them at a weight that is healthy.

To use the Bloodhound growth chart, you need to have your Bloodhound’s correct age and match it to the closest age on the chart.

Then you should follow the horizontal row for the matching weight. It is ok for the figure to be slightly different from your dog’s actual weight since no two dogs are the same.

Bloodhound Weight Chart

Age Weight in lbs
3 months32 - 37.5 lbs
4 months 42 - 49.5 lbs
5 months51.5 - 60 lbs
6 months59 - 69.5 lbs
7 months70 - 77.5 lbs
8 months75 - 85.5 lbs
9 months80.5 - 91 lbs
10 months83 - 96 lbs
1 year85 - 102 lbs

Bloodhound Puppy Development Stages

Bloodhound Puppy Development

Birth – 2 Weeks

This stage is called the neonatal period when your puppy is completely dependent on its mother for warmth and sustenance.

In the first week, your puppy cannot see, hear, or regulate his own body temperature.

In the second week, your puppy’s eyes begin to open, and they begin to notice their surroundings. They will usually gain 5% to 10% of their body weight.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

During this time your Bloodhound will go through socialization, and the puppy may now be exposed to their surroundings.

They begin to wag their tails and may now begin to play since their limbs are becoming stronger.

Bloodhound Size Chart

They are usually weaned when they are 6 weeks, and puppy food may be introduced.

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They may come home from their breeder when they are 8 weeks old.  During this time, they must also be immunized.

4 Months – 9 Months

When your Bloodhound is 4 months, you may begin home-training your dog and teach them new skills. Short walks might be included into their fitness regimen.

They enter puberty when they are around 6 months. They begin to exhibit disobedience, fear, and dominance, and this is the ideal moment to begin obedience training.

You may start transitioning them to grownup meals at 9 months. To prevent gastrointestinal problems, take the procedure gently.

10 Months – 18 Months

If your Bloodhound has not been spayed or neutered, they will begin to exhibit sexual activities at this period.

A Bloodhound, being a big breed, requires adequate training, and now is the time to enroll them in an obedience training program. Otherwise, they might try to exert dominance in the house.


A Bloodhound is seen as an adult after they reach the age of 18 months and have attained their adult height and weight.

Any variations in their size and weight indicate that you may be overfeeding them.

As a result, you should assist them in losing weight in order to maintain their health.

Bloodhound Development

How Big Do Bloodhounds Get?

Using your dog’s parents and his paws are just a few of the methods to forecast size when they’re completely grown.

The size of your puppy’s parents will offer you a fairly precise estimate of its eventual size.

Consult your breeder who will usually give you idea of your puppy’s mature size based on information from their parents.

The puppy’s paws are yet another sign of your puppy’s mature size. If his paws are exceptionally little, the puppy will most likely be small as an adult, whereas if his paws are huge, your pup will be a giant dog in adulthood.

You can also use the easy way and use the Bloodhound weight chart within this article, It gives a great estimation of your Bloodhound size.

The last option is to use a DNA test. This will tell you about your dog’s genealogy and any hidden breeds in his ancestry that may affect the size.

Bloodhound Size Chart

The height of a Bloodhound puppy may be measured at home with the help of a measuring tape if that suits you.

Make sure that your Bloodhound is leaning against a wall or a frame.

Bloodhound Growth Chart

The withers, also known as the maximum height of the shoulder blades, are the first thing you need to locate in order to calculate your puppy’s weight.

Your puppy’s height may then be determined by taking a measurement from the ground up to the withers.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Bloodhound Affect His Growth?

Neutering (for males) and spaying (for females) in simple terms, is removing the reproductive organs. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best time to spay or neuter your Bloodhound.

However, when your pup is around 4 and 9 months, is the best suggested time by most professionals.

Spaying or neutering your puppy may help prevent pregnancy in females and breeding in males. They may also lessen aggressive behavior and lower the cancer risk to connected reproductive organs.

Since your dog’s growth plates aren’t yet closed, your puppy’s development may be hampered if spaying or neutering is performed too soon.

As a result, you should delay until your puppy reaches adolescence before spaying or neutering them.

Basset Hound Vs Bloodhound Size

Basset Hound Vs Bloodhound Size

The Basset Hound is considered to be a medium-sized dog, whereas the Bloodhound is considered to be a large-sized dog.

A female Basset Hound may weigh around 45 – 60 pounds and stand at around 11 – 14 inches tall, while a female Bloodhound can weigh around 80 – 100 pounds and stands between 23 and 25 inches tall.

A male Basset Hound will usually weigh around 50 – 64 pounds and stands at around 11 – 15 inches tall.

In comparison, a male Bloodhound will usually weigh around 90 – 130 pounds and stands between 25 and 27 inches tall.

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Factors That Affect Bloodhound Growth 

Bloodhounds Weight Chart

Genetics & Gender

In general, the breed’s males reach maturity a bit sooner than its females, and the latter continue to develop for a longer length of time.

However, a number of variables, like as genetics and general health, will affect the final weight and size of a Bloodhound.

As the male Bloodhounds generally have a bigger and more muscular build than female Bloodhounds, gender may also affect a Bloodhound’s development.

The parents size, the existence of any genetic mutations or anomalies, as well as the puppy’s general health and nutrition, are all hereditary variables that may have an impact on the development of a Bloodhound.


If you want your Bloodhound to thrive, you should feed them a high-quality dog food, whether you get it from a store or make it yourself at home with your veterinarian’s advice and approval.

Any kind of diet must be appropriate for the age of the dog.

Due to their genetic predisposition, certain breeds of dog are more likely to develop obesity than others.

It’s possible that treats are an effective tool for training, but if you give them out too often, it might lead to obesity.

Find out which foods are OK for canine eating and which are not in this article.

Visit your local veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or the food they are receiving. It is essential that pure, fresh water be readily available at all times.

Physical Activity & Health

It’s a common myth that Bloodhounds lounge on the porch all day.

The Bloodhound, which was developed to track a scent for extended periods of time, is really an energetic dog that needs regular exercise.

Long daily walks with a leash are in his best interest since, once he discovers a smell to pursue, he may not listen to directions.

The backyard may be used for additional exercise, but it must be completely fenced in since Bloodhounds are excellent escape artists and wonderful diggers.

How Much To Feed A Growing Bloodhound Puppy?

Best Food For Bloodhound Puppy

Bloodhound pups should eat high-quality large-breed puppy chow. These meals include the right combination of protein, fats, as well as other nutrients to promote big breed pups’ quick growth.

  • Bloodhound pups 8-12 weeks old should eat four times daily. 1–2 cups of high-quality puppy chow developed for big breed pups should be given.
  • Bloodhound pups may be switched to 3 meals per day at 3-6 months. Feed Bloodhound 3 cups. Three equal meals should be eaten everyday.
  • By 6-12 months, Bloodhound pups can eat twice a day. Feed Bloodhound 4 cups. Two equal meals should be eaten everyday.

No two dogs are same, so keep an eye on the rations.

How To Tell If Your Bloodhound Is Underweight Or Overweight? 

A slender or underweight Bloodhound may appear to be starting to sag, but overweight Bloodhounds have a thick “waistline.”

Feel their ribcage and spine to determine their health. If you’re not able to see and touch their ribs through their skin, they’re likely normal weight.

Those without visible or observable ribcages may be overweight. If you can easily see and feel their ribs, they could be underweight.

Healthy Bloodhounds have high energy and may easily engage in active activities. Your lethargic Bloodhound may be overweight. Underweight Bloodhounds are skinny and feeble.

Do Bloodhounds Experience Growing Pain?

It is not impossible for Bloodhounds to go through the same kinds of growing pains as people do.

Growing pains are often associated with young animals that are in the process of fast development.

In most cases, they are characterized by sporadic discomfort or pain in the limbs and joints.

They may develop during times of fast growth or whenever a Bloodhound seems to be more active than is typical for them.

Bloodhound Puppy Right Weight

Limping, trouble walking, unwillingness to move, or screaming out in agony are some of the symptoms that may be seen in Bloodhounds that are experiencing growth pains.

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These symptoms can come and go, although they are often more prominent in the evening or after prolonged durations of exertion.

What To Do If My Bloodhound Is Not The Right Weight?

The most important thing for you to do is monitor your Bloodhound’s food intake.

Make sure you’re giving your Bloodhound the appropriate quantity of food for their size, age, and level of physical activity. To assist them in reaching a healthy weight, you may need to modify their food or portion amounts.

You also need to encourage your Bloodhoumd to be physically active.

Bloodhounds are renowned for their love of activity, so ensure your dog has plenty of chances to run about and burn off extra energy. This may involve going for walks, running, or playing in the yard.

Avoid giving your bloodhound too many treats. While it’s OK to give your Bloodhound a treat now and again, be sure you don’t overdo it.

Treats should only account for a tiny fraction of your dog’s total calorie consumption.

Speak with a veterinarian about optimal weight. Working with a veterinarian to design a strategy to assist your Bloodhound to achieve a healthy weight is essential.

They can advise you on the ideal food and exercise regimen for your dog’s individual requirements.

How To Properly Weight My Bloodhound?

There are two techniques for determining your Bloodhound’s weight.

The first technique is to use a dog weighing scale, which is the best and most precise way to weigh your Bloodhound.

If you want to check your Bloodhound’s development on a regular basis and discover any unexpected growth early, you should use a dog scale.

The second way is to weigh oneself while holding the Bloodhound on a bathroom scale. Then, without your Bloodhound, weigh yourself on the same scale.

Then subtract your body weight when carrying your Bloodhound from your weight while not carrying your Bloodhound.

However, keep in mind that this technique of weighing your dog while holding it on a scale is not particularly precise, and it may be challenging to use if your Bloodhound is incredibly heavy or if the Bloodhound is the sort that will not remain still while being carried.

Bloodhound Genetics And Common Health Problems

Bloat is a condition that may affect bloodhounds, just as it can affect other big, deep-chested canines.

The owners of Bloodhounds should prepare themselves to be able to spot the signs of this potentially fatal ailment, and they should also be aware of what to do in the event that it occurs.

Bloodhounds are infamous for devouring everything and everything that they can get their mouths on, which often results in trips to the veterinarian.

Daily inspections for any possible signs of infection in the low-hanging ears of the Bloodhound are recommended.

In addition, examine the skin wrinkles of the Bloodhound every day for any odor or discomfort.

If necessary, wipe the wrinkles clean with a warm, damp cloth, and then completely dry the area.

Brushing a Bloodhound’s teeth on a regular basis is recommended, as it is for dogs of all breeds.

Final Words

Bloodhounds lose their short, thick coats twice a year. Regular grooming with a medium-bristle brush, or hound glove removes dead hair.

Brushing encourages new hair to grow and provides healthy skin oils to the coat. Bathe bloodhounds often to prevent dog odor. The Bloodhound’s toenails must be clipped periodically.

The Bloodhound’s toenails must be clipped periodically. Socialization and puppy lessons are suggested for all breeds. Bloodhounds tend to be firm in their habits, so it’s ideal to teach them the traits the owner desires early on.

Bloodhound owners must be tough yet caring. Positive reinforcements like sweets and praise are beneficial in training.

Bloodhounds are loving, loyal, and obstinate, so teaching them takes patience, consistency, and ability.

Their nose might get them in trouble, but they’re laid-back. Long walks on a strong leash in locations they may explore are recommended.

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