Aussiedoodle Size Chart – Growth & Weight Chart

Aussie Doodle Growth Chart

Due to its exceptional intelligence, the Aussie doodle, a mix between the poodle and the Australian Shepherd, is referred to as the “Einstein” breed.

An Aussiedoodle size chart will be useful to you as a prospective or present owner as you track your dog’s development.

Many different names, such as Aussiepoodle and Aussiepoo, are frequently used to refer to them. They share some of the greatest traits from both their parents and are also incredibly playful, intelligent, and devoted.

Additionally, they usually thrive in environments that provide a significant amount of attention and activity since, if bored, they may behave destructively. The Aussiedoodle is a great family dog because of these characteristics.

Their coats occur in a range of hues typically associated with Australian Shepherds, including blue merle, red merle, red tri, black and black and tan, sable, parti, and, in rare instances, a single color.

When Do Aussiedoodles Stop Growing?

Aussiedoodle Size Chart

The Aussiedoodle is a mixed-breed dog with distinctive traits that make them wholesome and charming. Because of their unique genes, they experience rapid growth over the first 10 months of their lives.

As a dog owner, if you keep an eye on his development, you might assume that the growth he showed during the initial 10 months will continue into adulthood and result in a quite large dog.

This is untrue, though, as Aussiedoodles typically exhibit a development curve, making it simple to determine when a dog has reached its maximum size.

At 12 months old, Aussiedoodles will typically weigh 95% of their adult weight. At two years old, Aussiedoodles are generally considered to be adults.

The Aussiedoodle’s size is determined by the size of the parent dog.

The size of the Australian Shepherd is generally typical, but the Aussiedoodle may have a parent who is a Toy, Standard, or Miniature Poodle.

Size expectations are further complicated by mixed breeds like the Aussiedoodle, which combines two breeds. This makes estimating their magnitude considerably more difficult.

Aussiedoodle Size Chart

The height and weight of your Aussiedoodle are approximated in the table below. The height and weight may be higher or lower than what is depicted in the Aussiedoodle size chart. In most cases, this is typical.

However, keep in mind that if your Aussiedoodle is too small, he may have a higher likelihood of developing specific health issues.

If you notice that your Aussiedoodle’s weight is much lower than any of the figures in the chart, you should take a closer look at his health.

Knowing if your Aussiedoodle has come of age is crucial. Aussiedoodles must maintain a weight that corresponds to their height in order to look healthy and perform as intended.

When keeping track of your dog’s growth, BMI and Aussiedoodle growth charts are useful. They are regarded by people for the same reason.

Even though your Aussiedoodle’s weight may not fall within a particular range, it’s acceptable to hold a few extra pounds above the norm assuming he has no issues engaging in physical activity.

You must carefully match your dog’s current age with the corresponding age in the left column in order to use the chart.

Then search under the correct row for the weight that matches. Just be sure to consult your veterinarian if anything doesn’t seem to be working out as it should.

Aussiedoodle Growth Chart

AgeToy AussiedoodleMiniature AussiedoodleStandard Aussiedoodle
3 Months7 lbs15 lbs20 lbs
4 Months9 lbs18 lbs26 lbs
5 Months10.5 lbs20 lbs32 lbs
6 Months12 lbs22 lbs36 lbs
7 Months13.5 lbs24 lbs40 lbs
8 Months13.8 lbs25 lbs43 lbs
9 Months14 lbs26 lbs45 lbs
10 Months14.5 lbs27 lbs46 lbs
11 Months15 lbs28 lbs47 lbs
1 Year15 lbs28.5 lbs48 lbs

Aussiedoodle Puppy Development Stages

Aussiedoodle Weight Chart

Birth – 2 Weeks 

Aussiedoodles are now in a fragile state and are unable to care for themselves since they are newly born. As they are dependent on their mother, she will provide them with warmth, comfort, and nourishment.

Due to their underdeveloped muscles, newborn Aussiedoodles can’t walk yet, but they cuddle up to their mother nonetheless. Puppies require this time with their moms to develop healthily. To survive and develop, they require an ideal temperature.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks 

As their muscles start to develop, your Aussiedoodle will go through a lot of changes between the ages of 3 and 12 weeks.

They grow teeth, and at about 28 to 30 days old, they are completely weaned.

Most Aussiedoodle mothers would wean their children on their own quite quickly. Make every effort to ensure that the weaning procedure is conducted with care. Keep in mind that nutrition is crucial at this crucial moment.

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4 Months –  9 Months 

The Aussiedoodle puppy is currently going through teething. The average male Aussiedoodle weighs approximately 7 pounds for the smallest dogs and 70 pounds for the heaviest canines at the age of six months. At 6 months, Aussiedoodles females often have a smaller stature.

Additionally, anticipate that your Aussiedoodle will go into heat. This phase of the cycle lasts for about 4 to 8 weeks, and although the females are fertile during this time, it is not recommended that they give birth during this period.

Younger dogs shouldn’t often give birth during their initial heat cycle since their development has not yet been completed.

The smaller Aussiedoodles will typically have grown to their full size by the time they reach this stage. However, a female Aussiedoodle’s body is constantly growing and getting ready to give birth.

Aussiedoodles often experience their first heat around the age of nine months.

10 Months – 18 Months

Your Aussiedoodle is quite energetic and eager to explore the world around them and discover their boundaries during this time.

It’s unfortunate that this is the time when owners start to experience issues with their dog’s behavior. The ideal time to teach your dog good habits is right now. Later on, you’ll appreciate your decision.


The male and female Aussiedoodles will reach full size at the age of two. An adult Aussiedoodle often has a full, curly coat and is loving and active.

They are often proportionate, intelligent, and outgoing. Many Aussiedoodles will keep gaining muscle up until they are 24 months old.

How Big Do Aussiedoodles Get?

Medium-sized breeds of dogs include Aussiedoodles. Despite the huge diversity of sizes, they come in, there is a typical range in which you may anticipate your Aussiedoodle to develop.

The size of the Poodle parent he was descended from will influence the range. Since these size ranges are only estimations, your Aussiedoodle puppy may turn out to be a bit different from the forecasts.

Alternatively, looking at your dog’s paws can lead you in the right direction. This is because puppies usually need to grow into their paws, which are a bit larger in proportion to their bodies.

Therefore, you know they still need to grow some more if they have larger paws. You also have the option of referring to the Aussiedoodle growth chart within this article.

The type of Poodle used in the breeding process is the best approach to predict your dog’s eventual size.

Therefore, you must inform your breeder if you have a specific size of Aussiedoodle in mind. If everything else fails, you can possibly think about getting a DNA test.

You can use one of the many precise and trustworthy DNA tests available to estimate your Aussiedoodle’s eventual weight.

Aussiedoodle Size Chart 

Toy Aussiedoodle

The Australian Shepherd and the Toy Poodle are combined to create the Toy Aussiedoodles. When fully grown, toy Aussiedoodles weigh between 10 and 15 pounds.

They continue to be fairly short, reaching no more than 10 inches from their shoulders. Toy puppies need 7 to 11 months to reach adult size because they are still very small.

Mini Aussiedoodle

They might weigh anything from 15 and 45 pounds on average, depending on the size of their parents. They are between 10 and 15 inches tall at the shoulder.

Furthermore, they will take a bit longer than the Toy Aussiedoodle to reach their maximum size because they have more room to grow. It takes a little Aussiedoodle 11 to 13 months to reach adult size.

Standard Aussiedoodle

Standard Aussiedoodles are the heaviest, weighing between 45 and 70 pounds when fully grown. Additionally, they stand over 15 inches tall from the shoulder, making them significantly taller than the other types.

Your Standard Aussiedoodle should mature to its full adult size in 12 to 16 months. Do not forget that Standard Aussiedoodles may require much more space for exercise than Toy Aussiedoodles.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Aussiedoodle Affect His Growth?

When your Aussiedoodle is at least 14 months old or has reached adulthood, it’s preferable to neuter or spay them. This will ensure that spaying or neutering won’t hurt them because they are at a certain developmental stage.

Since females may have mated and might be pregnant far sooner than this, you should pay particular attention to them.

First pregnancies are frequently difficult, and if handled incorrectly, they may have an effect on the health of a dog. Immature canines are unable to adequately care for puppies.

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Male Aussiedoodles that have not been neutered frequently act aggressively against other animals. They frequently show more hostility, especially against canine companions.

Training and proper socialization are crucial if you decide against neutering your Aussiedoodle because you’ll want them to interact with other animals more effectively.

Bernedoodle vs Aussiedoodle Size

The average bernedoodle grows bigger than the typical Aussiedoodle, depending on the size of the poodle that these two dog breeds were bred with.

Given that the bernedoodle is a larger dog than the medium-sized Australian Shepherd, this is probably because Bernese mountain dog DNA was identified in the breed.

The average Aussiedoodle stands 15 to 25 inches tall, whereas the average Bernedoodle is 12 to 29 inches tall, according to the statistics.

The bernedoodle can weigh between 10 and 90 pounds depending on the poodle it was crossed with, whereas the Aussiedoodle typically weighs between 25 and 75 pounds.

Factors That Affect Aussiedoodle Growth 

Genetics & Gender

Given that Aussiedoodles are hybrids of Poodles and Australian Shepherds, genetics play a significant role in how big they grow. Both of the parents’ inherited traits have an impact on the rate of growth.

Additional critical elements like genetic illnesses also affect their development. For instance, the offspring will be large if both parents are large. The size of the dog when it is fully grown will be similar to that of its parents.


More nutrient-dense food has all the vitamins and minerals your dog requires to grow into a bigger, stronger dog. The type of nutrition offered to your Aussiedoodle puppy will have an impact on his capacity to grow.

Your Aussiedoodle may also require supplements if you want to improve his health. These are typically used in situations where your dog may be severely underweight or starved and may require extra assistance to reach its ideal weight and height.

Physical Activity & Health

Aussiedoodles like people and should receive sufficient exercise, which enables them to reach developmental milestones.

They were initially designed for occupations that involve judgment, focus, and intellect, such as herding sheep.

Vibrant physical activity is required in order to encourage growth and allow for the development of bone density. When your Aussiedoodle engages in regular activity, his muscles will be strong and healthy.

How Much To Feed A Growing Aussiedoodle Puppy?

It is essential for preventing serious illnesses from arising that you carefully monitor your Aussiedoodle’s diet. You should adjust your dog’s meal schedule based on how active they are. Remember that this dog has a propensity for overeating.

As long as your Aussiedoodle is a puppy, you should give him food in smaller portions while monitoring his nutritional needs on a regular basis.

As he gets older, you can increase the amount of food he eats. However, you need to make the meals modest and keep an eye on his weight because he will become an adult in 24 months.

For Aussiedoodle, two to three cups of food should be adequate.

How To Tell If Your Aussiedoodle Is Underweight Or Overweight? 

It’s a little trickier, but not impossible, to tell if an Aussiedoodle is the proper weight because they have more fur than many other breeds.

Take a top-down inspection of your Aussiedoodle first, paying special attention to the area around the waist. If you notice a substantial sink there and can also see his ribs, your dog is probably underweight.

Despite their supposedly strong shape, Aussiedoodles should not have their ribs exposed. If you cannot feel his ribs at all, run your palm along the rib cage to determine whether he is overweight.

To ensure his health is good, accompany him to the veterinarian.

What Are The Most Common Conditions To Be Aware Of In Growing Aussiedoodle Puppies?

Aussiedoodles are more likely to experience multiple drug sensitivities. This genetic abnormality is referred to as “autosomal dominant.”

This indicates that for the puppy to likewise have this genetic impairment, only one copy of the defective gene from either parent is required. However, Australian Shepherds are more likely to exhibit this.

The body’s ability to filter and eliminate medications and poisons has been impacted by this mutation. This illness can be fatal in addition to making it impossible to take some drugs.

Cushing’s disease is another prevalent issue that affects both Poodles and Australian Shepherds, making it one of the health issues that affect Aussiedoodles at a higher risk.

The body’s overproduction of the hormone cortisol is a hallmark of this illness. This may result in a variety of symptoms, including skin thinning, muscle atrophy, and an increase in infections.

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Do Aussiedoodles Experience Growing Pain?

Aussiedoodles may experience discomfort as a result of certain orthopedic conditions. Your dog can exhibit strange behavior or show hesitation when performing the same physical tasks that he regularly does.

There can be a limp or foot edema. If these symptoms are not brought on by any sort of damage, they can be the result of growing pains.

Growing pains in your dog could happen suddenly and without any warning. Ensure that your dog is getting some rest. You should also make sure that it has access to food and water. You can take him to the vet to be checked out to make sure there’s nothing harmful.

What To Do If My Aussiedoodle Is Not The Right Weight?

The type of Aussiedoodle you own will affect the weight of your dog. They are a very new breed and depending on the Poodle parents they have, there are size variances that vary from toy to standard.

So, estimating size could be challenging. Due to their Poodle and Australian Shepherd parent mix, Aussiepoodles often range in size from tiny to medium.

The majority of Aussiedoodles range in size from 10 to 15 inches at the shoulder and weigh 25 to 70 pounds on average. But since many can be smaller or larger, this is only a generalization.

An optimum Aussiedoodle diet needs to be developed for a small to medium-sized breed with high energy levels.

Like both of their parent breeds, the Aussiedoodle has a tendency to put on weight if they are given too much food, so it’s important to follow a regular feeding plan and avoid leaving food out all day. You should limit your dog’s treats if he has a weight issue.

How To Help Your Aussiedoodle Lose Weight If He Is Overweight?

Aussiedoodles are more likely to develop obesity due to their size. Additionally, because of their physique, they are unable to complete a variety of difficult exercises, which add to their total weight. You must stop them from getting fat due to the joint problems they encounter.

Many people use treats to train their pets, but you can instead look for different methods, such as expressing gratitude. Avoid overfeeding your Aussiedoodle if he is already overweight.

If the rations must be reduced, consider doing so slowly to avoid making him feel like he must rummage through trash. To make sure he receives the required activity, it is also suggested that he take short strolls.

How To Properly Weight My Aussiedoodle?

When your Aussiedoodle puppy is young, all you have to do to keep track of his weight is place him on a scale you already have at home.

You will need to think outside the box when your Aussiedoodle grows up and reaches his full size because he won’t fit on your normal scale.

Following that, stand on the scale while holding your Aussiedoodle in your arms, and record your combined weight. The weight of the Aussiedoodle is what distinguishes these two measurements.

You can monitor your dog’s growth and catch any potential problems by measuring him at least once a month.

Aussiedoodle Genetics And Common Health Problems

It’s totally conceivable that your veterinarian will advise you to cut down on your Aussiedoodle’s weight because this breed is known to be prone to hip dysplasia.

By doing this, you can prevent your Aussiedoodle from developing harmful diseases. Though this is more of a problem for larger breeds of dogs, it could still have an impact on your dog, so you might want to address it with your vet.

Aussiedoodles could develop health issues that affect both Poodles and Australian Shepherds, particularly if you don’t choose your puppy’s retailer carefully.

They consist of sebaceous adenitis, progressive retinal atrophy, autoimmune thyroiditis, hip dysplasia, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, and epilepsy.

Final Words

It can be challenging to determine the final size of the dog because Aussiedoodles are mixed breeds and don’t have to adhere to purebred criteria.

Depending on your living situation, it could be imperative to choose an Aussiedoodle puppy whose adult size is known.

In order to determine the size of the puppy, you must inquire with the breeder about the size of the dog’s parents. This can help you determine the size of the dog you buy. The size of the parents is a key predictor of the future size of your Aussiedoodle.

Like their Poodle parents, some Aussiedoodles have tighter curls, while others have wavier coats. Shorter-haired Aussiedoodles may be preferable for allergy patients, but this is not a given.

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