Anatolian Shepherd Growth Chart – Size & Weight Chart

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy Growth Chart

So if you are looking to buy or adopt an Anatolian Shepherd then you are in luck because this article details everything that you need to know.

For example, you may want an Anatolian Shepherd growth chart so that can track your dog’s size throughout the growth process.

You should prepare yourself beforehand to have enough space to accommodate a large dog because Anatolian Shepherds are known to be big and imposing.

They also come in handy if you are looking for a guard dog as they were bred for this exact purpose. Even though they make fierce and loyal protectors they also get along well with the family.

Anatolian Shepherds are also fantastic hunters because of their quick adaptation to harsher environments along with their fast reflexes and muscular build.

They have an old canine bloodline and many people like them due to their intellect and loyalty.

When Do Anatolian Shepherds Stop Growing?

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy Weight Chart

Anatolian Shepherds are considered adult dogs when they reach 14 to 19 months. As with most dog breeds the males are slightly larger than the females in adulthood.

That said, you can expect a female dog to reach their full size sooner than a male dog would.  This is because the females have less growing to complete.

It is not uncommon for larger dogs to take a bit longer before they reach adulthood.

Anatolian Shepherds usually require more time to finish their growth because they are categorized as giant or large breeds (falling more in the large breed category on average).

Usually, you may notice that large breeds are done growing when they reach 1 year old but there are a few giant breeds that are done growing only after two years old. For Anatolian Shepherd, they may take between 12 to 24 months.

Anatolian Shepherd Weight Chart

The Anatolian Shepherd weight chart below gives the size approximations of an Anatolian Shepherd. It lists the weight averages of this breed so you can make the necessary estimations for your Anatolian Shepherd.

Even though this chart can be very useful, you should know that your dog’s weight can be determined by a myriad of factors.

The reasons may be due to your dog’s genetics, exercise level, and nutrition. This is why you should use this Anatolian Shepherd growth chart as a point because you are the best person to monitor your dog’s progress as you are around him.

The columns of the chart will display the various dog ages in ascending order, corresponding with the corresponding weight that the dog is supposed to be.

You first need to ensure that you know your dog’s age to be able to follow along.

It is not uncommon for some dogs to fall outside the ranges stated so do not be alarmed but try to find out the reason why your dog may be over or underweight. Always check with your vet if you’re not sure about anything.

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy Weight Chart

Age Weight lbs Weight kg
3 months35 - 45 lbs16 - 20 kg
4 months48 - 60 lbs22 - 27 kg
5 months57 - 70 lbs26 -32 kg
6 months70 - 85 lbs31.5 - 38 kg
8 months80 - 105 lbs37 - 47 kg
10 months95 - 118 lbs42 - 53 kg
12 months100 - 130 lbs45 - 54 kg
18 months110 -140 lbs50 - 63 kg

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy Development Stages

Anatolian Shepherd Growth Chart

Birth – 2 Weeks 

An underdeveloped Anatolian Shepherd is weak and helpless at this phase and need the warmth and milk of their mother. Added to that, they cannot hear or see, however, they are able to taste and smell the milk.

Most of this time is spent growing and sleeping at the fastest pace they will be expected to grow throughout their development

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

Expect major changes to be taking place during this period such as weaning and the introduction to real and solid food.

See also  How Much To Feed An Australian Shepherd Puppy – Aussie Feeding Chart

Because Anatolian Shepherds grow so quickly during this time you need to keep up their nutrition and be careful when introducing solids to their diet. They should weigh approximately 35-45 lbs.

4 Months – 9 Months 

You will notice your Anatolian Shepherd becoming quite large at this stage and female puppies will weigh approximately ⅔ of what the males weigh.

Make sure that they are being properly nourished and visit the veterinarian if you realize any signs of growing pains. At this stage they should weigh between 70-85 lbs.

Anatolian Shepherd Development Stages

10 Months – 18 Months 

Most Anatolian Shepherds will attain their full size during this period. However, many of them may still continue to gain muscle and weigh When they reach the one-year mark you can expect them to weigh a whopping 100 -130 lbs.


It is important to remember that Anatolian Shepherds are prone to being overweight so make sure that you do not over feed them during adulthood.

Make sure that they get enough exercise and expect that male dogs will weigh about 110 to 150 lb and 29 inches tall while females weigh 80 to 120 lb and stand at 27 inches tall.

How Big Do Anatolian Shepherds Get?

Owners of Anatolian Shepherds often wonder how big they will become because dogs have various rates of growth, and they start off as tiny puppies.

As a larger breed, you also need to make sure that there is enough space for your dog to be comfortable.

You can make a calculated guess by looking at your dog’s parents since genetics play a major role in development.

Anatolian Shepherd Size Chart

To make sure that your dog is a pure breed, you can also get a DNA test so that any other potential breeds can be factored into your estimation.

If your dog is mixed with another breed that is smaller, then you can reasonably expect that the overall size will be smaller as well.

Furthermore, in the puppy stages of a dog’s life, they are prone to having larger paws in proportion to the rest of their body.

So by examining your dog’s paws and head you can estimate that there is growth yet to be completed. The chart within this article may also prove useful.

Male vs Female Anatolian Shepherd Size Chart 

Male and female Anatolian Shepherds have different growth rates. For males, you can expect very fast growth in the first 55 weeks when your Anatolian Shepherd will attain 95% of his weight.

This will slow down and stop completely at 74 weeks or 17 months. Males can be 24 -26 inches tall and weigh 66-88 pounds in adulthood.

On the other hand for females, you can expect very fast growth in the first 53 weeks when your Anatolian Shepherd will attain 95% of his weight.

This will slow down and stop completely at 73 weeks or 17 months. Females are usually 22-24 inches and weigh from 49 to 71 pounds in adulthood.

Your dog’s height is measured from the floor toward to the withers. The withers are the tallest place on your dog’s shoulder blades.

Ensure that your dog is standing up straight and put the measuring tape on the floor and carry it up toward the withers in a direct line.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Anatolian Shepherd Affect His Growth?

It would be wise to wait for at least 12 months before having your Anatolian Shepherd neutered or spayed.

Testosterone causes bodily changes in the male dogs that are associated with growth. This process should not be interrupted, or it could negatively affect growth.

When it comes to female Anatolian Shepherds, we must pay attention to the heat cycle.

See also  Belgian Malinois Growth Chart – Size & Weight Chart

The first pregnancy may be a bit dangerous, on account of puppies being immature, so spaying may actually be beneficial. Always monitor your dog for unwanted pregnancies as it could be detrimental to your dog.

Even though you may be avoiding unwanted pregnancies, keep in mind the spaying and neutering procedure also comes with risk to your dog.

Ensure that you obtain a qualified veterinarian and follow post op instructions carefully.

German Shepherd vs Anatolian Shepherd Size

German Shepherd and Anatolian Shepherd’s are similar in size, but they have many differences.

German Shepherd fall more into the  medium – large breed category and are more wolflike. Anatolian Shepherds fall within the large – giant category and a bit more muscular. These are both athletic dogs

Anatolian Shepherd males can be 28 -30 inches tall and weigh 110-150 pounds in adulthood. Females are usually 26-28 inches and weigh from 80 to 120 pounds in adulthood.

German shepherd males can be 24 -26 inches tall and weigh 66-88 pounds in adulthood. Females are usually 22-24 inches and weigh from 49 to 71 pounds in adulthood.

Factors That Affect Anatolian Shepherd Growth 

Anatolian Shepherd Development

Genetics & Gender

With all dogs, we can expect genetics and gender to affect growth. This is clearly seen by the fact that females are slightly smaller in most breeds. Additionally, hormones like testosterone affects growth.

Dogs are born with hereditary features of the parent. Your dog may also be susceptible to diseases passed down through generations.

You can talk to your breeder to find out more about your dog’s parents.


Make sure that you source a high quality dog chow that has the first ingredient as protein.

If you are feeding your dog with raw food then ensure that he gets lots of animal protein as well as fibre for good digestion. Anatolian Shepherds are large breeds so they need enough protein to build muscle.

It is also important that the dog chow contain no fillers and other harmful ingredients. This can make your dog sick. Do not give your dog too many carbs because of the tendency to be overweight.

Physical Activity & Health 

Because of their muscular build, the Anatolian Shepherd requires a lot of exercise. This is especially important because of their tendency to gain weight.

The exercise should not be overly vigorous particularly when they are very young. As this can affect the joints. They tend to be quite playful so exercising fun to them.

How Much To Feed A Growing Anatolian Shepherd Puppy?

Because Anatolian Shepherds are working dogs, they should have a similar diet to that of other large breed dogs. However, be on the lookout for overeating as they are known to get overweight at times.

As puppies, they need to be feed two or three times daily. Make sure the food is of a high quality.

Anatolian Shepherd Weight Chart

As a puppy, you should serve your Anatolian Shepherd 2-3 cups of puppy dog food every day, but divide it into 2-3 meals.

As an adult, Anatolian Shepherds need to be fed 3-4 cups of adult dog food daily. You can evenly divide it into 3 meals.

They tend to have bloating and extra weight, but you can combat this with exercise. Keep treats to a minimum.

What Are The Most Common Conditions To Be Aware Of In Growing Anatolian Shepherd Puppies?

Anatolian Shepherds are usually healthy dogs but some of them may develop a few conditions such as:

Internal Parasites – these are parasites like round worm and giardia which usually affect puppies. These can be treated without much hassle.

You simply need to go to the veterinarian and have him prescribe the necessary medication.

You will notice that your dog has these parasites when he has frequent diarrhea or is very thin even though you properly feed him. The coat will also look dull and less shiny.

See also  Corgi Size Chart - Growth & Weight Chart

Growing Pains – This usually come in the form of joint problems. Your dog may be reluctant to move or require medication from your veterinarian.

Bloating – This occurs when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid and twists as a result. It can escalate without warning and can progress quickly.

Do Anatolian Shepherds Experience Growing Pain

Some giant or large breed dogs have particularly large bones which results in a number of disorders. These disorders  are noticeable in the joints and bones while your dog is still a puppy.

A few of  the most prominent disorders are osteochondritis dissecans, panosteitis, and hypertrophic osteodystrophy, and they usually affect your dog at  around the one-year mark.

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy Size Chart

It can be quite painful to deal with as a puppy. However, all hope is not lost because many dogs grow out of it with age.

You may notice that your dog is a bit lethargic and does not want to move around as he once did playfully.

His joints and bones may be sensitive to touch or even painful.  The vet will most likely prescribe some inflammatory medication to manage the symptoms.

What To Do If My Anatolian Shepherd Is Not The Right Weight?

It is impossible to precisely predict the size your Anatolian Shepherd will be when adulthood is reached.  However, we know that when Anatolian shepherds are born they usually weigh around 2 lb.

If for any reason you believe that your Anatolian Shepherd may not be within the right weight range then you definitely need to pay a visit to your veterinarian so you can get to the bottom of the issue.

You may notice strange behavior in your dog or his droppings.

How To Properly Weight My Anatolian Shepherd?

Taking your dog’s measurements is very important because you want to know if he is meeting all his developmental milestones.

It is a good way to ensure his proper health, and you can take his weight measurement all throughout his life.

You can measure your Anatolian Shepherd in two ways. The first way is pretty much straight forward because all you are doing is placing your dog on a scale.

This would easier to do when your dog is still a small puppy as they would be able to fit on the most scales.

The second is to  take your weight measurement and to record the amount.  Then step on the scale while holding your dog and record that measurement as well.

The difference between these two figures will be your dog’s weight.  This would be more appropriate when your dog is a bit older and can no longer fits on a scale. However, this method is the least accurate of the two.

Anatolian Shepherd Genetics And Common Health Problems

Anatolian shepherds are usually happy and healthy, but they do suffer from a few diseases.

Understand that Anatolian Shepherds have a particular sensitivity to anesthesia therefore you should speak to your veterinarian for any procedures they may be undertaking.

Intestinal parasites seem to be an issue of concern, but it is easily taken care of so make sure that your dog has regular check-ups.

The bloating and the joint problems can be treated easily as well if you maintain a regular eating schedule.

Final Words

This is a beautiful breed that is large but also nimble. The benefits of having strength and speed makes them a force to be reckoned with.

Because they are intelligent and capable you need to occupy their minds so that they do not get into trouble. They take training well, and the training is absolutely necessary for the best behavior.

Make sure that your Anatolian Shepherd is socialized properly so that they can display good behavior when in public.

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