A Complete Guide On 4 month Old German Shepherds

4 Month Old German Shepherd

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about 4 month old German Shepherds. From their diet and exercise requirements to how they play and interact with other people and animals. We’ll talk about training a german shepherd puppy and the grooming needs for these cute dogs!

German Shepherds are very intelligent and high-energy dogs, so be prepared to provide lots of mental and physical exercises for them every day!

These include: obedience training (to learn commands like sit), jogging or walking with you through your neighborhood, playing in your backyard, and teaching them tricks like rolling over.

Their coat is very easy to keep. All you need to do is brush or comb them a few times per week! Their coat must stay healthy so they don’t get any skin allergies from loose hair getting in contact with the air. And because of their high energy level, they shed A LOT!

They’re very protective of their owners and families. So if you have kids or other dogs in your home, be prepared for this german shepherd dog to become a great guard dog that will protect them at all costs. You’ll need to teach the puppy not to bark excessively because it can wear out its vocal cords.

They’re effortless to train at four months old and have a strong desire to please their owner! If you stick with it and keep your german shepherd pup on a healthy diet, you’ll find that training a German Shepherd is a breeze! Just remember not to use any harsh discipline because even at four months old, they can be easily hurt.

What time does the dog need to be let outside in the morning?

German shepherd puppies can typically hold their bladders for one hour per month of age. So, a four-month old pup should be able to “hold it” for about four hours.

How far can a 4 month old german shepherd walk?

A four-month old pup should be able to walk about a mile. It is unbelievable how much these pups can walk at this age! Thankfully, they are always ready to be taken outside. They will still need multiple walks a day until their first birthday.

How much does a four-month old german shepherd weigh?

A four-month old GSD pup should weigh about 36 pounds. You can keep your four-month old german shepherd in optimal weight by feeding him a measured amount of quality food and taking him for daily walks.

How much should 4 month old german shepherd eat?

A four-month old german shepherd puppy should eat three times a day, and their diet should be split into three different meals. During this time, they will eat anywhere from one to two cups of food per meal. At the end of four months, German Shepherd puppies usually start eating twice daily. Once your german shepherd is six months old, you can switch to an adult dog food that contains less protein than puppy food.

As for treats, you can give your German Shepherd puppy three to five small snacks a day if they are eating the right amount of dog food at each meal. You should never overfeed them or feed them human food because it will make their joints weaker and cause obesity problems as well as other health issues later in life!

How much do 4 month old german shepherds sleep?

Four month old german shepherds can sleep up to 18 hours a day, but this will depend on their environment. Generally speaking if your four-month old shepherd is getting plenty of exercise at playtime, they should be fine sleeping for many hours during the night as well. Some owners have mentioned that their dogs preferred more frequent naps of 15-20 minutes during the day, but others have said their four-month old german shepherd sleeps for a long stretch at night without waking.

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If your dog is not getting enough rest, you may start noticing some behavioral changes such as increased barking or depression. If this happens, you should contact your local veterinarian to discuss options on how to help your four-month old shepherd get the rest they need.

How much exercise does a 4 month old german shepherd need?

A four-month old shepherd is still quite young, and most of the time, they will be running around with their siblings. This means that they need to get a lot of exercise in order for them not to go stir crazy! At this stage, it is recommended that they get at least two hours of exercise each day.

How to get my 4 month old german shepherd to stop biting

Don’t hit your dog! This will only teach them that when they’re in trouble, it’s okay to bite. What you should do is give a firm “no” and then remove the object or take their mouth off of what they are biting. If this doesn’t work, try distracting them by giving them another toy to play with. Below are some more tips you can try to stop your puppy to stop biting

  1. Teach your dog to obey the “no bite” command. This will give you more control over them when they are doing anything that involves their mouth, including biting and chewing on toys or objects. When you catch him trying to bite things he shouldn’t be eating, say “no” firmly and then follow it up with a command like “drop it” or “leave it.” Praise him when he obeys your command. If you don’t catch them in the act, try setting out some okay items for him to play with and others that aren’t, such as toys vs. socks. This will let them know which they can chew on and what isn’t okay to play with.
  2. You can also try using a spray bottle to stop them from biting. Fill it with water and then give the command “no bite.” When he tries to do it again, squirt him in the nose. This will teach your dog that when they’re doing something you don’t like, such as chewing on an object.
  3. And finally, make sure you are giving your dog enough attention when they are doing what is right. If he wants to play or chew on something but gets no reaction from you, then his behavior will only continue to get worse. Give him plenty of praise and affection in these instances so that he knows when he’s being good by following your commands.

These are some effective ways that you can train your four-month old shepherd to stop biting. Follow these tips and tricks, and they should be able to break the habit in no time!

Four Month Old German Shepherd Behaviour

The first four months of a German shepherd’s life is filled with excitement and energy. This time period can be described as an adventure, where the pup will learn many new things from his human family. As exciting as this experience may seem for both owner and dog, it can also be challenging at times to handle your pet during these stages.

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The behavior of a four-month old German shepherd can be unpredictable at times. He may suddenly begin to exhibit temper tantrums or other undesirable behaviors that are hard to control, especially if you have never raised one before. These behaviours will vary depending on the dog’s breed and its specific personality traits. However, there is still much you can do to help improve your German shepherd’s behaviour and make it easier to handle.

The following are some of the most common four-month old german shepherd behavior problems, along with their possible causes and solutions:

Common Four Month Old German Shepherd Behaviour Problems & Their Solutions

Problem #01 – Potty Accidents in the House

Some new pet owners have a hard time potty training their dogs. This can be particularly true for those who raise German shepherds, which are known to be one of the hardest breeds to train.

Potty accidents in your house are a common four-month old german shepherd behaviour problem that many pet owners often experience. However, this issue should not cause too much a concern. Most dogs will eventually learn the proper way to go potty outdoors, as long as their owners are patient and persistent enough.

Potty training your four-month old german shepherd may not be easy at first, but most pet parents agree that it becomes progressively easier with time. Just make sure you never show anger towards your dog and always be very encouraging when he does something right.

Problem #02 – Biting/Nipping Hands or Feet

Another common four-month old german shepherd behaviour problem is biting and nipping, especially while you are playing with him. This can become a habit that will prove difficult to control once it becomes an issue for your pet.

Most young German shepherds may nip and bite hands and feet while playing at an early age (four months old). This can be a frustrating issue for new pet owners as they have never been around dogs before. But do not worry, this is no reason to give up on your four-month old german shepherd just yet! In fact, there are a few things you can do to help correct this behaviour.

First of all, never scream or shout at your pet when he bites or nips you while playing. This may cause him some fear and will only make the problem worse in time. Instead, show your four-month old german shepherd that biting hands is not acceptable by simply ignoring him for a few seconds. When he does bite you, freeze and say “no” in an authoritative voice. This will let your pet know that biting hands is not something to be proud of.

Problem #03 – Chewing on Furniture or Other Objects

Chewing furniture or other objects can become another frustrating issue with four-month old german shepherds. This can occur when your pet becomes teething, which is a common problem for German shepherd pups before they reach five months of age.

Four month old german shepherds often chew on furniture or other objects to ease the pain from their developing teeth. Chewing also helps them remove excess baby teeth that may still be in their mouths. However, you should not let this become a habit as it can cause serious damage to your home and belongings over time.

Make sure you keep any furniture or other objects with teeth marks off-limits for your pet’s reach at all times. This will help discourage him from chewing on anything he is not supposed to. You can also give him toys that are designed for chewing, such as a rubber ball or bone-shaped chew toy.

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Problem #04 – Inappropriate Barking at Strange Objects

In some cases, four-month old german shepherds may bark excessively when they encounter something new. This is another common problem many pet parents have to deal with from time to time.

Inappropriate barking at strange objects can become a serious problem for your four-month old german shepherd, as it will only get worse over time if you do not correct him right away. You should never allow him to bark excessively, or he may develop the habit of doing so whenever something unfamiliar enters his sight.

Your pet may bark excessively when he sees something new because it is natural for them to be suspicious of things they are not familiar with. This should not be mistaken as aggression, just a sign that your four-month old german shepherd needs more training and socialization.

Keep in mind that barking can also become habitual if you do nothing about this particular issue. It is important to train your four-month old german shepherd right away that excessive barking at strange objects will not be tolerated.

Conclusion: If you are having any of these common four month old German Shepherd behaviour problems, try using some of the tips mentioned above and make sure to properly socialize him with other pets and strangers on a regular basis. This will help him become a well-mannered adult dog in no time!

4 Month Old German Shepherd Female

A four-month old female german shepherd should weigh about 36 pounds, and their height should be about 13 inches at this age as well.

Please refer to our german shepherd growth chart here for a more detailed explanation.

A four-month old german shepherd female is usually very active and needs to do lots of exercises each day. She will also need training early on in her life, but it does not have to be formal. A guide on housetraining is a great place to start and can be very useful.

A four-month old german shepherd female tends to begin teething around now and will chew on things she shouldn’t, such as shoes or furniture. This chewing stage should last about three weeks, so it’s important that you give her plenty of toys to chew on. This will also help your 4 month old german shepherd female’s jaw develop properly.

4 Month Old German Shepherd Ears Not Up

The ears of a german shepherd are not up at around the age of four months. If you see your puppy’s ear flap down or laying flat, this is normal. The cartilage in their ears will strengthen around five to six months old, and they should start standing tall after that time frame passes.

This can also happen if you leave your german shepherd in an environment with loud sounds for too long. Loud noises can cause the ear to flatten out because their ears are sensitive and they become overwhelmed by all of the noise around them.

If you notice this behavior, make sure that you do not play any music or expose them to loud noises until their ears start to perk up. You can also try to feed them during this stage as it gives their ears something else that they need to focus on, instead of the noise around them.

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